
Biblical Theology - Lesson 18

Justification (Part 1/2)

Justification is a declaration of righteousness applied by grace. 

Greg Beale
Biblical Theology
Lesson 18
Watching Now
Justification (Part 1/2)

II. The Law as an Eschatological Doctrine

A. There are some instances where Paul looks unfavorably upon the law.

B. On other occasions the law is regarded as positive.

C. The apparent contradiction may be accounted for by the overlapping of the ages, the old creation and the new creation.

D. While the law once centered on ethnic distinctions, the new covenant centers on Christ. Thus, ethnic laws do not apply to the church.

III. Justification by Faith and New Creation

A. Paul believed that he was guided by the law in persecuting Christians who appeared to him to be apostate.

B. Paul understood justification from the Damascus road revelation.

C. Paul realized on the Damascus road that justification was by grace alone.

D. He also realized on the Damascus road that justification was through faith alone.

E. A fourth distinction that Paul realized on the Damascus road was that justification was not only for Jews, but also for gentiles.

IV. The Relation of Eschatology to Justification

A. Justification is a declaration of righteousness applied by grace and accomplished through redemption and propitiation in order to demonstrate God’s righteousness.

B. The end-time judgment has been pushed back to the cross in Christ./p>

C. The end-time righteousness has been declared for us in Christ.

D. The resurrection of Christ is crucial to understanding justification.


Seminary level course on Biblical Theology

Other Recommended Reading:

The Bible and the Future, by Anthony A Hoekema

The Israel of God in Prophecy, by Hans K. Larondelle

The Presence of the Future, by G. E. Ladd

The End of the Beginning, by William J. Dumbrell