
Biblical Theology - Lesson 6

The Significance of Jesus' Baptism and Temptation

The redemptive historical significance of Jesus' baptism and temptation has its roots in the Old Testament account of the Exodus.

Greg Beale
Biblical Theology
Lesson 6
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The Significance of Jesus' Baptism and Temptation

III. The Theological Significance of John the Baptist and Jesus’ Baptism

A. John the Baptist fulfills the first prophetic announcement of Israel’s restoration in Isaiah 40-66

B. Just as Israel had to go through the sea at the Exodus to enter the promised land, and just as the second generation had to do the same thing at the Jordan as a miniature second Exodus, so again, now that Israel’s restoration is at hand through Jesus, true Israelites must again identify with the water and the Jordan in order to begin to experience true restoration.

IV. The Redemptive Historical Significance of Jesus’ Temptation in the Wilderness.

A. The “forty days and forty nights” echo Israel’s forty years in the wilderness.

B. Jesus succeeds in facing the same temptations to which Israel succumbed.

C. The defeat of the devil in the wilderness was Jesus’ first act of conquering the “Canaanites in the promised land” as true Israel, in this case the devil was the ultimate satanic prince of the Canaanites and all wicked nations.

D. After defeating the Devil in the Promised Land, Jesus again is seen as beginning to further fulfill Isaiah’s promises of Israel’s restoration.

V. Jesus as a Latter-Day New Moses Who Leads Israel Back to God

A. One of the first indications of this is the “Sermon of the Mount”

B. Matthew 7:24-27 may be referring to Jesus’ re-establishment of the temple in himself as the “rock”.


Seminary level course on Biblical Theology

Other Recommended Reading:

The Bible and the Future, by Anthony A Hoekema

The Israel of God in Prophecy, by Hans K. Larondelle

The Presence of the Future, by G. E. Ladd

The End of the Beginning, by William J. Dumbrell