
About Us

Who Are We
Meet The Team
Our Process
What We Believe
The Future

To lead disciples toward spiritual growth through deep biblical understanding and practice.
We want every Christian around the globe to experience a deep relationship with God by understanding the life-changing truth of what God tells us in Scripture.
Who are we
BiblicalTraining is a team of distinguished professors, pastors, and authors providing high-quality biblical teaching for free for every Christian, everywhere, forever.
Biblical basis
We are to make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded, being filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God (Matt 28:19–20; Col 1:9–10).
World Class - Our professors are among the best academics in the world and know how to teach.
Holistic - We want to see students move through content to deep reflection and application.
Accessible - BiblicalTraining is a web-based ministry whose content is free.
Community-based - We encourage people to learn together, in mentor/apprentice relationships.
Broadly evangelical - Our materials are broadly evangelical, governed by our Statement of Faith.
Partners - We provide the content and delivery mechanisms, and our partner organizations provide the community and mentoring. When there are no partners, we hope to provide a virtual community and real-life mentors.



John Mark Comer
John Mark Comer
Founding Pastor
Bridgetown Church
Portland, Oregon
“Biblical Training is a gold mine of resources for the new, ever-shifting church topography. World class scholarship, from some of the best teachers of our generation, made accessible to anybody, and for free! It doesn’t get much better than this.”
Joni Eareckson Tada
Joni Eareckson Tada
Evangelical Christian author, radio host, artist, and founder of Joni and Friends

“Many people with disabilities would love to study at a Christian college, but problems with transportation, finances, and health challenges make it an impossible dream. That dream, however, is coming true for people with disabilities across the country as they study online at Biblicaltraining.org. From the comfort of their own home, they can participate in a world-class, seminary-level Biblical Training Institute, free of charge and easy to access online. With some of the top academic instructors in the world, Biblicaltraining.org has thrown open wide the doors of higher Christian education for countless persons with disabilities! Whether or not you have physical challenges, I heartily recommend Biblicaltraining.org!”

Read Joni's Endorsement Watch Joni's other testimony
James I. Packer, PhD
James I. Packer, PhD
Board of Governors
Professor of Theology
Regent Collage
“The vision that drives Biblical Training is twofold. The first part of the dream is that every Christian should be educated and equipped for the fullest use of their spiritual gifts in serving others for Christ's sake. The second part of the dream is that Christian education up to seminary standard should be available free to anyone who can work a computer. What a magnificent, momentous dream! And now it is coming true as more and more courses are made available on the Biblical Training website. May God prosper Biblical Training mightily! I cannot commend the venture too highly.”

Meet The Team


View details for Eugene Brandt
Eugene Brandt
Eugene Brandt
View details for Robbie Brown Finanace Chair
Robbie Brown
Robbie Brown
Finanace Chair
View details for Charles Campbell Chair
Charles Campbell
Charles Campbell
View details for Gene Dewhurst
Gene Dewhurst
Gene Dewhurst
View details for Joe Handley
Joe Handley
Joe Handley
View details for Bill Mounce CEO / Founder
Bill Mounce
Bill Mounce
CEO / Founder
View details for Mike Richards Vice Chair
Mike Richards
Mike Richards
Vice Chair
View details for Cynthia Simmons Secretary
Cynthia Simmons
Cynthia Simmons
View details for Tim Tennent
Tim Tennent
Tim Tennent
View details for Byron Van Kley
Byron Van Kley
Byron Van Kley
View details for Ed Taylor Website Director
Ed Taylor
Ed Taylor
Website Director
View details for Susan Coleman Director of Operations
Susan Coleman
Susan Coleman
Director of Operations
View details for Ray Brown Director of Advancement
Ray Brown
Ray Brown
Director of Advancement

Our Process


How Professors Are Selected
Our professors are subject experts in their classes who have spent most of their life studying this specific topic and have a proven ability to teach. We also chose teachers who showed an obvious love for the Bible and especially their Lord.
Video Production
One of our core values is excellence, and it is shown in the quality of our video production. The classes were recorded in a classroom environment with the highest quality video and audio possible. Most were recorded with two or three cameras, so our professors do not appear to be talking heads but rather the video invites you into the class.
Create Curriculum
We have produced curriculum to help you organize and process the lectures. This includes outlines, transcriptions, and especially student guides you can download for free or purchase print copies. They include the outlines, summaries of each point, and discussion questions. We also link to related materials, the books the professor references, and other items that will help you learn the material. We are working to provide these materials for all the classes.

What We Believe


Our Statement of Faith

The following Statement of Faith governs the teaching at BiblicalTraining.org. All of the content agrees with this statement. (Speakers may discuss positions contrary to the Statement of Faith, but will not insist on any of these contrary statements.)

Anything not covered by this Statement of Faith (e.g., views of spiritual gifts, eschatology, women in ministry, etc.) are, we believe, not central to evangelical orthodoxy and are, therefore, not controlled by this Statement.


The Bible is the infallible word of God, the supreme rule for faith and practice.

The sixty-six books of the Old and New Testament came from the very mouth of God and are without error in the originals. Scripture is therefore the unique and supreme guide for all it affirms, including both belief and behavior.

The teachings of the Bible are sufficient for salvation and sanctification. While there are questions of meaning and application over which we may agree to disagree, there is nothing for which we are responsible to God in terms of our salvation and sanctification that is not expressed in Scripture, either in precept or principle.

From these convictions flow the following articles of faith.


There is one God, infinitely perfect, without change, creator of all yet not created, distinct from His creation yet everywhere present, perfectly balanced in all His attributes, omniscient over all time, wholly sovereign. He alone is the sole object of worship.

God exists eternally in three persons — Father, Son, Holy Spirit — equal in essence and divine perfection, all three uncreated, executing distinct but harmonious offices.

God the Son

God the Son is fully God and fully human, without confusion or mixture, the unique and only Son. He existed before time, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died on the cross as the sacrifice for our sins, was physically raised from the dead as prophesied, ascended into heaven, and is now exalted, sitting at the right hand of God the Father, interceding for the saints as the sole mediator. He will return to earth, and ultimately every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

God the Holy Spirit

God the Spirit is sent to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. He fully indwells every true believer as a guarantee of his inheritance, guides and empowers them, gifts them for ministry, interceding in accordance with the will of God, witnessing to Jesus.

Anthropology (doctrine of man)

Adam and Eve were both created in the image of God. They disobeyed God and died, spiritually and physically. Therefore, all people are objects of wrath, sinners by nature and by choice. They are dead in their sins and incapable of pleasing God. Without the direct intervention of God, they will live separated from God, die in their sins, and receive the condemnation that their sin deserves.

Soteriology (doctrine of salvation)

Salvation from sin and access to God is available only through the work of Christ on the cross, given by God’s grace, mercy, and love, received solely by faith in Jesus Christ. In conversion, the believer is drawn by God to Himself, repents and turns from his sins, is redeemed, declared wholly righteous, born again, made alive in Christ as a new creature, reconciled to God, becomes a child of God, and is filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit through whom he is empowered for a life of obedience. The cross is sufficient to cover the sins of all who believe.

Sanctification (doctrine of holiness)

God’s will for every believer is his sanctification. It is the necessary and certain fruit of salvation, yet not meritorious; it is God alone who saves. Through the work of the Spirit, saints are called and enabled to live lives of holiness, “in” but not “of” the world, fully dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ, persevering to the end. Disciples are declared to be sanctified through the work of Christ and are also called to become sanctified in the experiences of life. The disciple's life will be characterized, among many, by battle with sin, repentance, sexual purity, gracious speech, prayer, suffering, persecution, being different from the world, living for the glory of God. Growth toward holiness brings with it assurance of salvation and a desire to share the gospel with sinners.

Ecclesiology (doctrine of the church)

The church consists of all true disciples of Jesus Christ. All things exist under the supremacy of Christ, and therefore Christ and Christ alone is the head of the church. The local expression of the church is comprised of disciples gifted for the work of building up the body of Christ, living in unity, bound together by love. While different local expressions may have different emphases, all are commanded to make disciples, which includes both evangelism and teaching obedience to all that Jesus taught. The church is to be committed to the reading of Scripture, the exhortation to obedience, and teaching of the doctrinal truths of Scripture, as well as to all that is necessary for the edification of the body, including worship, singing, prayer, and service, all to the glory of God.

Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances to be valued and observed. They are visible signs representing spiritual truths; they do not accomplish salvation. Baptism is the washing of the believer, signifying that in conversion he has died to his old life and has been raised with Christ into a newness of life in which the power of sin is broken. The Lord’s Supper is the present proclamation of Christ’s atoning death, and looks forward to his return.

Eschatology (doctrine of last things)

Jesus will return — personally, visibly to all, suddenly — and all disciples living and dead will be bodily caught up to meet Him. At the final judgment, the unrepentant will be raised to the resurrection of judgment and permanent punishment in hell. Believers, while already having passed from darkness to light, will be raised to the resurrection of life, and will enjoy the everlasting, personal presence of God in His heavenly kingdom. God’s plan of creation, redemption, and glorification will be complete.

This is the hope for which we long, which helps to motivate us now toward godly living, and which propels us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with a lost and dying world.

The Future

More information about the future of BiblicalTraining.org will soon be available on this page. Until then, you can also download our one-page summary and our six-page brochure.