
Biblical Theology - Lesson 4

The Link Between 2 Thess and 1 John

The link between 2 Thessalonians and 1 John. Practical implications of biblical theology.

Greg Beale
Biblical Theology
Lesson 4
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The Link Between 2 Thess and 1 John

III. The Link between 2 Thessalonians and 1 John

A. Parallels between 2 Thessalonians 2 and 1 John 2-3

1. Lawlessness refers to the end-time opponent of God.

2. Both are in an eschatological context.

3. There is deception going on.

4. God’s opponent will ultimately be judged.

5. Both passages make reference to the book of Daniel.

B. A closer look at 2 Thessalonians 2

1. False teachers said the resurrection has already come.

2. The antichrist will have enormous influence in the church./p>

3. Before the very end of history, two signs must occur: a massive falling away in the church and the appearance of the antichrist.

4. The mystery of lawlessness is already at work.

IV. Practical Implications

A. Personal sin is more than a private battle.

B. The enemy is trying to dislodge our loyalty to God.

Practical Implications of Biblical Theology Viewed through a Redemptive-Historical Framework

I. The Nature of the Eschatological Tribulation during the Christian Age

A. The specific trial and temptation of this age is that Christians are always undergoing deceptive influence against them.

B. The primary deceptive influence is the temptation to not believe in Christ and his precepts.

II. The Deception of Satan, Which Characterized the Beginning of History With the First Adam, is Reproduced Again So that Satan’s Deception Characterizes the End of History.

A. The sin of lawlessness is being disloyal to God’s word.

B. The genius of the antichrist (false teaching) is to bring the world’s ideas into the church and coat them with biblical language and make them seem acceptable.


Seminary level course on Biblical Theology

Other Recommended Reading:

The Bible and the Future, by Anthony A Hoekema

The Israel of God in Prophecy, by Hans K. Larondelle

The Presence of the Future, by G. E. Ladd

The End of the Beginning, by William J. Dumbrell