
Preaching - Lesson 21

Methods of Sermon Presentation

In this lesson, you explore different methods of sermon presentation, understanding their advantages and disadvantages, and learning how to choose the most effective method for a particular context. By examining expository, topical, and narrative preaching, you gain insight into various ways to engage your congregation and present the biblical message with clarity and conviction. Additionally, the lesson offers practical tips on how to develop and enhance your preaching skills, such as using illustrations and applications, as well as demonstrating passion and authenticity.

Bryan Chapell
Lesson 21
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Methods of Sermon Presentation

I. Introduction to Sermon Presentation Methods

A. Importance of Effective Presentation

B. Goals of Sermon Presentation

II. Different Sermon Presentation Methods

A. Expository Preaching

1. Definition

2. Advantages and Disadvantages

B. Topical Preaching

1. Definition

2. Advantages and Disadvantages

C. Narrative Preaching

1. Definition

2. Advantages and Disadvantages

III. Choosing the Right Presentation Method

A. Contextual Factors

B. Congregation's Needs

C. Personal Style and Strengths

IV. Tips for Effective Sermon Presentation

A. Clarity and Organization

B. Illustrations and Applications

C. Passion and Authenticity

  • Gain insights into effective preaching principles, covering history, essential components, styles, and techniques, and learn how to prepare and deliver impactful sermons.
  • Gain valuable insights on sermon construction, learn techniques for effective preaching, and understand the importance of continuous improvement for delivering impactful messages.
  • Through this lesson, you gain valuable insights into the process of text selection and interpretation for preaching, as well as learning practical techniques for delivering engaging and relevant sermons.
  • In this lesson, you gain insight into the process of creating a sermon, from text selection to delivery, emphasizing textual analysis and message relevance.
  • Through this lesson, you gain the skills to craft clear, engaging, and memorable sermons by mastering the principles of effective outlining and arrangement in preaching.
  • Through this lesson, you learn to craft effective propositions and main points, enhancing your preaching clarity and impact.
  • By exploring homiletical outlines, you'll learn to effectively develop and structure sermons, understand various outline types, and apply engaging presentation techniques for impactful preaching.
  • In this lesson, you gain insights into crafting engaging introductions for sermons, exploring their importance, characteristics, types, and the process of creating a compelling introduction that effectively connects to the message.
  • Through this lesson, you learn the importance of exposition in preaching, how to develop an expository sermon, and the role of the preacher for effective communication.
  • This lesson teaches you to create captivating sermon introductions using anecdotes, questions, and facts, guiding you through research, structuring, and presentation to maximize audience engagement and improve your overall sermon impact.
  • In order to understand the basic subdivisions of your sermon in expository development, it is important to it is helpful to see what the specific members of your sermon's body looks like in standard development.

  • By completing this lesson, you learn to effectively prepare and deliver sermons while focusing on personal growth, continuous improvement, and dependence on God.
  • Learn to effectively classify and develop sermons into topical, textual, and expository types, enhancing your preaching skills and audience connection.
  • In this lesson, you learn the significance of explanation in preaching and strategies to craft and deliver effective explanatory sermons while evaluating their effectiveness for continuous improvement.
  • By incorporating illustrations into your preaching, you engage listeners, clarify complex ideas, and enhance memory retention while learning effective guidelines to utilize various types of illustrations.
  • Explore this lesson to learn how to effectively use illustrations in sermons by isolating events or experiences, refining principles, and connecting with your audience through human interest accounts.
  • Through this lesson, you learn to effectively use illustrations in preaching to engage listeners, clarify concepts, and draw from various sources, while maintaining relevance, variety, and ethical considerations.
  • Gain insight into the importance of application in preaching, as well as principles and methods for effective application, to create impactful and relevant sermons that resonate with your audience.
  • Through this lesson, you learn to effectively apply biblical teachings to modern life, considering various approaches, overcoming challenges, and utilizing practical tips for context-sensitive and culturally aware application.
  • Through this lesson, you gain insights into crafting effective transitions in preaching and utilizing the dialogical method for increased audience engagement and message clarity.
  • Gain insight into various sermon presentation methods, their advantages and disadvantages, and learn to choose the right method and improve your preaching skills.
  • Through this lesson, you enhance your preaching skills by mastering vocal techniques and purposeful gestures, ensuring a connection with the audience while continually improving your delivery.
  • Learn the significance of dress and style in preaching and how to balance authenticity, appropriateness, and clarity to effectively communicate your message to your audience.
  • You learn to effectively repurpose old sermons, gaining insight into updating them for relevance, enhancing delivery, and managing time efficiently.
  • By studying this lesson, you gain insight into the crucial connection between the Word and Spirit in preaching and learn to balance them for effective and authentic sermons.
  • Through this lesson, you learn how to apply a Christ-centered, redemptive-historical approach to preaching, addressing common criticisms and enhancing your sermons.
  • Through this lesson, you learn to compose powerful redemptive messages that highlight Christ's work and connect biblical themes to modern audiences.
  • Through this lesson, you gain an understanding of redemptive principles in preaching, learning to identify them in Scripture and effectively apply them to your sermons while navigating potential challenges.
  • By exploring the importance of genre in biblical interpretation and applying redemptive interpretation to various biblical genres, you will gain knowledge and insight into the historical and literary context, redemptive themes and patterns, and contemporary application of different types of genres in the Bible.


Dr. Bryan Chapell explores the unifying principle of grace that binds all Scripture together. He outlines and demonstrates the principles and practice of sermon-crafting and delivery to illuminate the message of grace in each passage, and to submit it to God's Spirit for the transformation of lives through preaching.

Dr. Chapell is making these recorded lectures available for you to access at no charge on BiblicalTraining.org. However, there is no personal interaction with Dr. Chapell in this format. The assignments and activities described are for classes that he teaches in person. We left the descriptions in for your benefit, but we do not offer personal or group interaction to participate in these activities. You can, however, sign up for his new preaching classes at BryanChapell.com/courses.

Dr. Chapell is helped in this course by Zachary W. Eswine, Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program (BSW, Ball State University; MDiv, Covenant Theological Seminary; PhD, Regent University). Dr. Eswine served as senior pastor of Grace Church of the Western Reserve in Hudson, Ohio, for six years before joining Covenant Seminary's faculty in 2001. He has served as a campus minister with the Navigators, as a church youth director, and as a chaplain-evangelist in retirement facilities. Since arriving at the Seminary, Dr. Eswine has also served as interim pastor for Tates Creek Presbyterian Church in Lexington, Kentucky, as advisory pastor for the Chinese Gospel Church of St. Louis, and as interim pastor for Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in St. Louis. He has taught New Testament in Ukraine and served as a short-term missionary in the Caribbean. Dr. Eswine is a gifted preacher and has authored the book Kindled Fire: How the Methods of C. H. Spurgeon Can Help Your Preaching and numerous articles on homiletics. In addition, as an accomplished musician and songwriter, he has recorded three collections of original songs.

Philosophy and Goals of the Course

1. "Prep and Del" is an introduction to the basics of sermon construction and delivery. This is not primarily a course on the theology of preaching, but rather is a practical introduction to the tools, structures, and concepts that help preachers learn to put a sermon together. 

2. Because this course is introductory, certain standards of sermon construction are taught that I hope you will consider "foundational" rather than universal. There is not only one "right way" to preach. However, mastering the methods of this course will help you develop the tools needed for many kinds of future sermons. Students from many backgrounds and preaching traditions have found these tools helpful even as they prepare for other styles in the future. Other methods and styles will be taught and encouraged in future semesters.

3. In Dr. Chapell's seminary class, you would be asked to present some short oral assignments to the class in order to: a) begin integrating the information presented in lectures; b) begin honing your preaching skills; c) and, remove some of the intimidation of your first preaching experience next semester.

(At this time, we do not provide personal interaction to evaluate your progress. We included the suggested assignments and activities to give you direction as you apply the principles you are learning to your own sermon preparation and delivery.)


Other Recommended Reading:

Between Two Worlds, John Stott (Eerdmans, 1982) 

Preaching & Biblical Theology, Edmund Clowney (Eerdmans, 1961; rpt. Presbyterian & Reformed, n.d.) 

Putting the Truth to Work, Daniel M. Doriani (Presbyterian & Reformed, 2001) 

Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture, Graeme Goldsworthy (Eerdmans, 2000)

A Treatise on the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons (4th ed), John A. Brodas 

Recommended Books

Christ-Centered Preaching (text only) 2nd(Second) edition by B. Chapell

Christ-Centered Preaching (text only) 2nd(Second) edition by B. Chapell

Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon [Hardcover]Bryan Chapell (Author)

Christ-Centered Preaching (text only) 2nd(Second) edition by B. Chapell
Christ-Centered Sermons: Models of Redemptive Preaching

Christ-Centered Sermons: Models of Redemptive Preaching

Highly regarded preacher and teacher Bryan Chapell shows readers how he has prepared expository sermons according to the principles he developed in his bestselling...

Christ-Centered Sermons: Models of Redemptive Preaching

Dr. Bryan Chapell



Methods of Sermon Presentation

Lesson Transcript

[00:00:00] This recording is provided courtesy of Covenant Theological Seminary. 17. What we want to do is look at the options a preacher has in preparing the materials necessary to preach a sermon. So here's the basic thing. We talk about introductions, conclusions, propositions. You know, lots of things We've talked about what you actually take into the pulpit to work with and how do you present it. So before we talk about delivery aspects, which you'll be getting into, let's just talk about what a preacher's take with him into the pulpit and how they typically organize it. As you think of types of presentation, Broader says, you know, there's three basic ways that preachers present messages and that's going to affect a little bit how we prepare, what we're going to take up. Okay, so how I present it, it's going to affect what I prepare to take with me. If you think of three major presentations, it can be reading, reciting or temporizing. I mean, those are the basic options. I can simply read a message, memorize it and recited. Or some form of temporizing. I have something in my brain and I, but I am still spontaneously speaking as I go. Tell me, guys, this generation, which is which is most accepted reading recitation or temporizing, No question, except rising reading. The people will not work in this generation. Now, if you can naturally recite, that will work. But if it sounds like you're reading off a teleprompter, even while you're reciting people, you know, people will not listen. It will sound so canned. It's not the generation that will listen to that kind of thing. So typically there is some form of temporizing that we will use. Louis Paul Lehman gives a more exhaustive list of how both what we present and how we prepare affects things.

[00:01:58] And he talks about it in terms of different types of prepared messages. So we're going to talk about different types of prepared messages. First are manuscripts, sermons, manuscripts, sermons. A sermon could be read. Most famous preacher in history for reading sermons is a Who is it? Jonathan Edwards. Do not forget, he stopped reading after a while. Even in his generation, it didn't keep working. Okay, so read. But then stop doing it because he recognized it did not connect even with his own people. But manuscript sermons could be read or memorized. There are people who have the ability now, the photographic memories. One is very close to us. That's Dr. Benton over at Kirkconnell's. I mean, if you listen to the message in the first service, the second service that you'll find is basically word for word. And he's not reading it, you know. So, I mean, there are people with exceptional abilities, but that's not most of us who are able to memorize, which means a third use of manuscript sermons is that they might be converted to outlines. And raised in the pulpit. So the manuscript is used to get you very ready, and then you convert it to an outline and then extend rise in the pulpit off the outline, which, by the way, is what we're going to do for two semesters. Okay. We're going to prepare manuscripts, convert them to outlines and preach from the outline. So the manuscript ensures preparation. The outline hopefully is ensuring eye contact and spontaneity. B outlines sermons, basically two forms of outline sermons. First called extended outlines. Extended outlines. I would say this is what most preachers I know use. They preach an extended outline, 2 to 4 pages of outline material that they taken to the pulpit, 2 to 4 pages usually, and a speak off of that.

[00:03:54] TOS is a barebones outline and that is where usually a lot has been practiced. And so the preacher doesn't even want the the outline itself to rob him of eye contact. And so what he does is he creates something just as props, just things to prompt his memory and and use that here's a here's a barebones outline that I use once upon a time. And, you know, my my goal I can't get all there at once. My goal is just to say, if I forget, it's my safety blanket, right? It's my security blanket. I just I just want something to prompt my thinking. But I don't want to be looking at this a lot. And so I've got something that just kind of gets me going. And some of you've heard me preach in different settings. But bare bones outline is what I typically will take into the pulpit. I am I don't often look at it, but I always, you know, have that little security. If I need it, I can refer to it. So it's something that has a consistent visual markers. I usually use Roman numerals for major main points. I usually use Arabic numerals for some points. I almost always will circle an illustration, and I almost always use this little conclusion for application. I don't know why. I just did it years ago and I still do it. And it becomes something that's a consistent visual marker for me. So my looks on the page, I automatically know what I'm looking at. You see here in this main point, the the illustrations in a different place here, the illustration came at the end of the main point. In this particular main point, the illustration came before the sub points. So I was moving where the illustration lay.

[00:05:40] But again, I use that circle because just in my habit over the years I just use circles to indicate that's an illustration to distinguish it for my eye picking up main points. Michael Does it mean in? That's a good question. If you have extended outlines or bare bones outlines, does that mean that they have never existed in manuscript form? And the answer is no, it does not mean. So this is what you take into the pulpit. But you may very well have had a manuscript outline that you converted to an extended outline or that you converted to a bare bones outline or what we're going to talk about just a little bit, which is where you're going. It's a truly extemporaneous sermon, which means it was never in manuscript form. So if if if I thought some of you are experienced preachers, here's what I think most preachers do. I think they prepare extended outlines and practice the extended outline so that the pulpit is not the first place that you're ever verbalizing what the extended outline says. Most preachers I know prepare an extended outline and at least practice portions of it before standing in the pulpit. Many preachers I know do the extended outline, practice it, and then convert to the bare bones outline, and that's what they'll take into the pulpit. So my own practice is this may just tell you all, you may never want to do this, but it's what I find I have to do. I go from exegetical outline to extensive Hummel article outline to full manuscript to bare bones outline. That's what I do. Just personally, I use the extended outline to prepare a manuscript. Prepare the manuscript. But then I do not want to take a manuscript into the pulpit, with rare exceptions.

[00:07:24] And then I preach from a bare bones outline. It's what I typically do. And I'll talk to you more about why some of those things in just a bit. Let's get the other alternative in front of us. Beyond the outline sermons, there are what Lewis Paul Laymen calls unwritten sermons. We might call them extemporaneous, unwritten sermons. And under unwritten sermons, he has two forms what he calls mental outlines. That is, you still, while you may never put pencil in the paper, you still put an outline in your brain. Okay, You are working it out. These are in the great sermons I think, about when I'm jogging, you know, and then I forget by the time I get back there. But these mental outlines, sermons, you know, are ones that you've still thought through or what he calls true impromptu, which means it's spur of the moment and you're just going and maybe it's you know, maybe it just is following the flow of the text, but it has just the the spontaneity of the moment. Now, before we talk about the strengths and weaknesses of these, I'm going to talk about just a couple of modern variations. And that's the there's some modern variations for you to think about. One is called putting the outline in the manuscript. So outline in the manuscript. If you look at the sermon that's at the back of your syllabus, in essence with all those Roman numerals and boldface things and so forth, what's happening? It's making the outline jump out of the manuscript. So full manuscript there. But the outline is kind of keyed into the message, and there's lots of ways that people do that. They'll do it with bold pacing, they'll do it with different sized fonts.

[00:09:06] They'll simply write things out and, you know, do with margin differences or even take their highlighters out and highlight key things. So that's a form of writing the manuscript, but making your outline visible within the manuscript. Another thing that's a product of the media age in which we live now is a number of preachers who have discovered what I call broadcast manuscripts in which they do this. They put the manuscript on only two thirds of the page, typically on the right hand side, with the manuscript on the right hand, two thirds of the page. What's the left hand third of the page for? The the outline is put there. So there may be key terms, for instance, the illustration. Instead of reading the illustration, I may just put puppy dog, you know, and just write key terms in the left hand margin. Now, those of you who've done broadcast work, you know, that's a little bit reversed because typically in a broadcast situation you would put text on the left hand side and the Cameron audio cues are on the right hand, but that's because you're reading manuscript and the queues are over on the right for the director. But we're flipping it because the first thing I want my eye to see are by notes to myself, my outline. So on the left hand margin, I'll put the outline features and the right hand if I want. It is the manuscript, and it's actually the folks at Asbury Seminary that's doing a lot of experimenting with those broadcasters. And I have found that I did it for a few years and found it quite effective in when I was in pastoral ministry, particularly that I would use the left hand margin for the outline and therefore not become too dependent on the manuscript, but have it if I wanted it.

[00:10:42] So it's an alternative for you. Tell me some strengths and weaknesses here. That was first you with the obvious preaching with the impromptu method. What's the strength of preaching impromptu messages? It's not mechanical. Doesn't sound artificial a bit. Okay. Impromptu messages and obviously can be a great timesaver. And sometimes you need a great time. You know, sometimes it is just time. And you were not given a warning. And there's something needs to be. I mean, these are times of crisis and tragedy that you simply need to speak. And those those may cause impromptu messages. Tell me the weaknesses of impromptu messages. It's disorganized. It may not be put together. Thank you. Forever to determined. That's right. For some people, it takes forever to terminate. For other people, it terminates too fast. Depends on personality there. But that's right. It may not have any clear direction. It may just have a lot of mistakes and it obviously doesn't much study behind it and impromptu message. So the strength is it's very natural and it it may simply save you the time you need in that moment. But its weaknesses obviously, are its unpreparedness and unpreparedness. How do I say this is inherently, unless it's required inherently unbiblical, being unprepared is inherently on biblical study to show yourselves a workman approved under God who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. You know, preparation is needed to do what the Bible requires. So just being unprepared by habit rather than necessity is the problem. Unprepared by necessity, everyone understands. By habit they don't give you a hand just so that you know I struggle with us. It sounds so easy right here in class, but I didn't start with my own background.

[00:12:38] And tradition is, as I mentioned to you, was primitive Baptist training. And the sense was that it was not only artificial, but inhibiting of the work of the Holy Spirit to prepare. You know, that I really was helped by was actually a man who was a a defrocked Methodist pastor. So it may sound strange, but he's actually to help me. He and his wife were in my church years after the troubles in their life. And I mentioned to him at one point that my background and training was in my father's church where, you know, those men would show up and they would two or three of them would just sit at the front and say, Who wants to speak this morning? And I said, Well, you know, that little conversation that, all right, a man would decide and he would stand and he would speak. And it was viewed, again, as improper to have prepared the Methodist minister. Listen to my saying that. And he said to me, What keeps the Holy Spirit from working in your study? And I thought that is a great question. Nothing should keep the Holy Spirit from working in your study. The Holy Spirit works all places, all times. So He uses instruments that are well-honed. But it seems to me that there is not anything at all on Biblical saying I'm going to impose man's ideas on this process through. If you haven't prayed in your study, but if you have prayed with your studying of the text, there is absolutely nothing that should have prohibited the Holy Spirit from doing his work there as well. Strengths and weaknesses of preaching extemporaneously from outlines the advantages. I'm going to do this because we're running out of time here.

[00:14:27] Okay. The advantages, obviously, if you have an outline, you have had some preparation. Still by an outline. Only it is a shortcut in a busy schedule. An outline is more quick to prepare than a full manuscript, so the advantages can be a shortcut in a busy schedule. Another advantage of preaching from outlines keeps eye contact and natural expression keeps eye contact and natural expression, and ordinarily allows more freedom and power of delivery. Ordinarily allows more freedom and power of delivery. The disadvantage of outline preaching extemporaneously from outlines would be what temptation to being unprepared. There is still a temptation to do too little work. And again, there is the possibility of imprecision and mistakes, possibility of imprecision and mistakes. Now, I've mentioned to you how much I respect John Broaddus, the father of expository preaching. And one of the reasons I do is how how wise he is. And even in his era, which is basically 150 years ago when you would think about the the insistence on well-prepared and scholarly sermons of that era. Listen to what he said. Where the advantages and disadvantages of this extemporaneously preaching firm outlines. He said the style of an extemporaneous sermon is apt to be less condensed. Your point? It may just run on and on, less finished than if it were written out or recited. But this is not necessarily a fault. The style may be better adapted to speaking as opposed to writing here that it may sound more like you sound when you talk and therefore not artificial. But he said this A similar and more serious disadvantage of extemporaneous sermons is the danger of making blunders in statement. In the order of the moment, the speaker is likely to say some things that are ill, relevant, ill considered, improper, and sometimes, alas, even untrue.

[00:16:41] Some men, more than others, run this risk, but all are more or less liable. Some hence may be given us safeguards, make thorough preparation, and thus diminish the danger. Keep a cool head no matter how warm the heart, if the slip is serious. Correct it on the spot and go on it. Very serious, but not observed at the time. Corrected on a later occasion. But for the most part, leave the mistakes alone. If you have real merits and enjoy the confidence of your congregation, it will be one of your most blessed privileges to live down many blunders. Eric is your pastor for what he said and kind of when he blushed and smiled and said, thank you, you actually loved him more because he could take it well. So he said, Alice, it's a real mistake, you know, correct it. One of my favorite examples of this was Dan Dorine, who is one of the best preachers and teachers I know. And when he was a new professor, his inaugural sermon here in the chapel, he was preaching away. And as he was preaching away, he said, and Jesus Christ is so great, He is the greatest of the created beings and said, No, he's not. That's a heresy and I'll be the first to deny it. Now, what he did was he made a terrible blunder, but it didn't bother him. It didn't bother the if you remember this, the mark of great speakers is not that they fail to make mistakes. It's that they're poised when they make mistakes, everybody makes mistakes. And if you can kind of take it, live it down and move on, that's great. And actually, people will be very comfortable with you preaching from written manuscripts. What are the advantages? Obviously, great precision and assured preparation.

[00:18:42] The disadvantage, lack of eye contact and the temptation to read. What method are we going to use? What method will we use? Roman three. It is actually the method of Robert Murray. McShane In an interesting just last week we had the man from his church here. We had David Robertson, who was here from St Peter's Free Church, which was the famous church of Robert Murray McShane, the revivalists who died young. But here's what he did. Prepared a manuscript converted to an outline. And preached from the outlying. He felt it greatly aided the ardor and passion of his speaking, but still came from great preparation. And that's what we're going to do. We're going to prepare outlines excuse me, prepare manuscripts, but preach from outlines. Just a few hints I've already mentioned after writing out a manuscript. We're going to put our outline and a cure. What you could do is you could put your outline in a keyword form in the margin. Now, the thing you do is you put your outline in the manuscript using highlights or underlining or margin variations, various other visual symbols, or you could put the outline on another piece of paper. That's what I do using, as I said, consistent. I captures whatever style for you over time. Develop a consistent eye catcher, keep main points from starting at the bottom of pages. I would just encourage you to do that. You've got lots of paper, if you will not start making points to third down on the page you'll keep from confusing your eye. Experienced preachers typically start all main points at the top of the next page. You know, they've got lots of whitespace at the bottom because they know, you know, they're not trying to look at people while they're moving and look at down while they're flipping pages, They're moving pages while they're talking.

[00:20:36] Right. And they're looking here. So I want my eye. They will look down and know exactly where it is. And if I'll start the main point at the top of pages, I'll automatically be oriented to the next main point. Every time I do a transition, so start main points at the tops of pages, find some visual marker like circling to indicate where you are. By the way, what I just did is very important, which was if you're moving pages, I would encourage you to slide them if you do this. What did everybody just do? They just looked at my notes. Okay. Or if I do this. I'm gonna watch the people who are very concerned about sticking with people and don't want them looking at their notes. They learn to just move, move them across. And they they typically have a discard stack and a new stack. Okay. I use the stack, and when I'm done with it, I'm looking at you. But I know I put it on discard side. I'm done with that and I'm ready for the next page. I may pick up my Bible, slide this under, move it over, but I typically do not want to be putting this thing, you know, in people's eyeline and vision. It just creates distraction to people. What we're trying to do as we follow these various methods is we are trying to make sure that we have enough in front of ourselves that we can preach well and at the same time be able to have lots of eye contact with people. Last items here, you know, I'm moving fast Item D and A Roman for how can you preach from memory? So you're keeping lots of eye contact. My best thing is use keywords.

[00:22:18] Use keywords. If your main points are around father faith and tomorrow, even though the main point statement is much longer, having keywords in order really helps you father faith. Some more use keywords that are parallel. Use illustrations to keep your thought. Look at this. The illustration is automatically the summary of the explanation and the preparation for the application. Those of you who are very visual oriented, if you remember the series of illustrations, the whole sermon will appear in front of you. Just by remembering going to this illustration, that illustration that illustrate the whole sermon will appear in front of you because it's reminding you what the explanation was about and preparing for what the application is about. Finally, I would encourage you to learn the principles of imprinting. You all may never want to do this, but it's just what I do. I just believe in how I know how my mind works. If I prepared a 30 minute message, I will try to go through entirely at least twice the day before. It's just what I do out loud because I believe it's not just in my brain. I want to hear how the words sound. So I will go through it entirely, at least twice the night before. The last thing I do before I go to sleep is I read it even while I'm in bed. I the last thing that goes into my brain to be that message. I believe in imprinting. I want that to go in my brain. What am I going to do? The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning? First thing I do for I have my bolster before anything else. I read through it again because I'm trying to imprint that on my brain so that when I'm finally speaking, I'm not wondering where I'm going.

[00:23:59] My greatest concern now is get the message in to you not to get it out of me. I'm trying to get it into you because it's playing into my brain now. That's lots of work. Think about that. If I just a 30 minute message, I said twice out loud, once before I go to bed. Once when I get. There's 2 hours of practice right there. Now, that may sound awful, but I remember Ozzie Smith, you know, the multiple time goal. Glover Best shortstop perhaps ever in baseball when he show up at the ballpark for a 730 game, 330 and he took grounders for at least an hour and a half. He was the best shortstop of all time, and he practiced. Don't let anybody embarrass you about practicing. What you're trying to do is get yourself ready so that you're finally free. Can you overprepare? Of course. But you're trying to get so prepared that you are very free to say what God has given you to do.