
Peacemaking in the Church and Beyond - Lesson 4

Sparks that Ignite Conflict

In this lesson, you will learn about the sparks that ignite conflict within churches and how these conflicts can escalate. You will discover that misunderstandings, careless words, gossip, competition over resources, character flaws in leaders, and differences in the interpretation of Scripture are common causes of conflict. Through group discussion, you will also explore additional factors that may lead to or exacerbate these conflicts, such as personal preferences, seeking the kingdom without loving the King, and ignoring spiritual basics. Finally, the lesson highlights the importance of developing peacemaking skills and fully embracing the gospel to foster unity and resolve conflicts.

Rick Sessoms
Peacemaking in the Church and Beyond
Lesson 4
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Sparks that Ignite Conflict

Lesson: Sparks That Ignite Conflict in the Church

I. Common Causes of Conflict

A. Misunderstandings

B. Careless words and gossip

C. Pursuing uniformity over unity

D. Competition over limited resources

E. Change

F. Legitimate desires turned into sinful demands

G. Character flaws in leaders

II. Additional Sparks from Group Discussion

A. Differences in interpretation of Scripture

B. Disagreements over priorities

C. Personal preferences

D. Seeking the kingdom without loving the King

E. Ignoring spiritual basics

III. Factors that Escalate Conflict

A. Worldly attitudes

B. Reckless words

C. Lack of peacemaking skills

D. Fear

E. Lack of adaptability

F. Not fully embracing the gospel

  • Learn about the crucial role of leadership in conflict resolution, explore the various types of conflicts in the church, and understand the importance of building a peacemaking culture to prevent and address conflicts effectively.
  • Examine how the church's growth in conflict regions, particularly Rwanda, reveals a need for a more comprehensive gospel that addresses systemic issues and reconciliation, highlighting the church's role as agents of God's reconciling work.
  • You will gain insights into the gospel and its applicability to everyday life, as well as its impact on society, including bringing reconciliation and creating heaven on Earth. The discussion acknowledges the difficulties of living out the gospel in society and the tension between living in the world and living for the gospel.
  • Gain insight into the sparks that ignite conflict in the church, understand how conflicts can escalate, and discover the importance of developing peacemaking skills and fully embracing the gospel to foster unity and resolve conflicts.
  • You will learn about conflict culture in the church, which is an inherited culture for resolving conflict shaped by visible and invisible elements and assumptions and values that drive conditioned responses, and how recognizing and addressing it can lead to healthy conflict resolution.
  • This lesson explores how pastors and church leaders address people-pleasing cultures, examining the attitudes and actions of laissez-faire, controlling, and peacemaking leaders, and discussing the role of the church in promoting peacemaking, involving others, and establishing support systems.
  • Learn to build a culture of peace through passion for the gospel, unified leadership, comprehensive peacemaking theology, and practical tools, emphasizing the transformative power of forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • You learn how unified, gospel-centered leadership can transform church crises into growth opportunities by focusing on strong relationships, clear communication, and shared goals, while addressing the dangers of disunity and competition within leadership teams.
  • You will gain insight into the importance of preparation and certain characteristics that need to be in place before conflict in order to build a united leadership team, using an analogy of running a marathon.
  • Learn the importance of a comprehensive peacemaking theology, the nature of conflict, and effective biblical responses, focusing on escape, attack, and conciliation strategies, illustrated through a wilderness leadership training example and practical applications for congregations.
  • Learn practical steps to overcome conflict by reflecting the glory of God, responding with humility and grace, prioritizing unity over self-interest, speaking the truth in love, and pursuing forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • By learning practical peacemaking tools and focusing on communication, you'll enhance your ability to resolve conflicts by mastering responsible listening and speaking, enabling you to better understand others and communicate your message more effectively.
  • Understand the critical role of listening in ministry and leadership, recognizing how assumptions and selective retention impact comprehension, and you learn to adopt responsible listening patterns to foster understanding and trust in communication.
  • Gain insights into the barriers to good listening, the 600 word gap between listening capacity and speaking rate, and the objectives of responsible listening to improve communication and build trust in relationships.
  • Gain insight into responsible speaking by ensuring clarity, avoiding lengthy speeches, focusing on benefits, and offering solutions only when asked, using strategies like speaking briefly, providing limited information, checking for understanding, and acknowledging listener differences.
  • Learn how to effectively manage the grapevine, an informal communication network, by feeding accurate information to key individuals, which can prevent conflicts and enhance communication in complex organizations like the church.
  • This lesson highlights the crucial role of peacemaking beyond the church, touching on the history of American evangelicalism, race relations, and the inspiring story of Koinonia Farm, which exemplifies the importance of fostering reconciliation in a divided world.

How conflict and leadership intersect.

Dr. Rick Sessoms
Peacemaking in the Church and Beyond
Sparks that Ignite Conflict
Lesson Transcript

So, what are some of the sparks that ignite conflict in the church. Well, here's a short list. I want you to think about these, and I'd ask you to think about others as I go to the end. The first is just plain old, innocent misunderstandings. We communicate pretty poorly at times, don't we? There was a church board that requested a meeting with the pastor to review his ongoing role at the church, and there was no desire to get rid of the guy, but the pastor showed up at a meeting with his attorney, and needless to say, this led to a meltdown, and the pastor left the church. That's what you call a misunderstanding. 

There’re also careless words, gossip, that James chapter 3, verse 5, calls it. There's pursuing uniformity rather than unity sometimes. I was in a three-hour conversation with someone today over whether the issue that he was so passionate about was a main point or a supplemental point, and I would maintain that it's a supplemental issue when it came to how we're to work together. He felt like it was a major, main issue, and it was very interesting how that conversation went. So there can be issues of doctrine that cause us to want uniformity rather than unity. We'll get into that more. 

Competition over limited resources can be a big issue, staff, money, space within the church. Change, I mean, we just went through a whole course on change, so I don't have to review that. There's legitimate desire that’s elevated to sinful demand. There're also character flaws that often show up in leaders’ lives like control, a sense of entitlement, lack of accountability, resistance to correction, insufficient self-awareness, sexual immorality, abuse of power, mishandling of finances, poor work ethic, and desires to be served rather than to serve. What are some other sparks that ignite conflict in the church that come to your mind? Yes. 

STUDENT:  The one that I've observed the most is differences in the interpretation of Scripture, which people hold very dear, so they tend to get upset about those things more than other things.

So, interpretation of scripture. That's good. 

STUDENT:  I mean, I've seen that lead to conflict in a lot of Christian settings. 

That's an interesting one. We could talk about that for a long time, but that's driving a lot of people back to church traditions that not everybody interprets the scripture; we depend on one person's interpretation. Yeah, that's great. 

STUDENT:  I guess along with that is what is going to be the main thing? Like you were saying today, your conversation, what you saw was a minor point someone else saw as a major point, and you know, as a community of believers, what do you want your identity to be? 

What's the main thing? A lot of disagreement over what's the main thing. 

STUDENT:  Preferences. People have different preferences, and they push that to the conflict of others. 

Is there anything wrong with having preferences? I don't think so. I mean, I like chicken. I happen to like fried chicken, spicy fried chicken. My wife doesn't like spicy fried chicken, but I like it. So, I enjoy preferences, but I'm not going to force her to eat it. I'm being silly, of course, but yeah, I think preferences are good things; it's what makes life interesting. 

STUDENT:  I've heard before, you know, to split a church trying to decide what color a carpet could be, you know, that kind of thing.

So, the carpets become the main thing, right? Yeah. 

STUDENT:  I guess the main thing is one can seek the kingdom without really seeking the King, and that's really tricky because you see, you're attracted to the things of the kingdom, but are you in love with the King? 

That's a pretty profound statement, David. I think what you're basically saying is we can get all excited about causes, good causes, just causes, Christian causes. That's very good. Other thoughts, other things that spark conflict? 

STUDENT:  I think one thing which is not necessarily a cause of conflict, but can be one of the factors that allows conflicts to escalate in the church is that I don't see very many churches -- it seems to be not fashionable in our days to follow some of the practices which I think in Scripture are intended to help churches think through difficult issues, like spending a lot of time in fasting and prayer. 

So, ignoring the basics of spiritual discipline, so ignoring the basics -- maybe I could just put that -- the spiritual basics. That's good. 

STUDENT:  And, I may not know, it's interesting that probably, the reason for so many denominations is because of all these different conflicts. 

STUDENT:  Yeah, I heard one person say they rightly divide the word but wrongly divide themselves. 

Yeah. Well, I really appreciate your thinking; those are some excellent additions to the spark question. Of course, these are the sparks. Then there are those things that serve as gasoline to the sparks to cause a raging inferno. Worldly attitudes is one; we deserve our rights as leaders, and we're going to show you my attorney is more powerful than your attorney. Of course, once a conflict breaks out, reckless words can be an aggravating source of conflict. 

Two is, frankly, lack of peacemaking skills on the part of leadership. When pastors are asked what was lacking in their preparation for ministry, the number one answer was conflict resolution, the number one answer. There's a lack of peacemaking theology. There's a lack of skills. Fear can serve as a gasoline, and it almost always leads to control and increased isolation, and I could give you a plethora of examples, things that I've seen over the years in my consulting work. A lack of adaptability, in terms of dealing with conflict; we want to win every race with the same horse. Or to use a golfing analogy, we want to win the game with one club. Sometimes we need to learn this skill of peacemaking that uses the tools that are available to us. 

And then finally, I think oftentimes we just simply don't fully embrace the gospel. We feel like that, well, the gospel is this, but, you know, if we just don't quite get along and we have conflict, well, that's important, but it's not quite the level of the gospel. We use the gospel as an entry point, but we don't fully embrace the gospel as the air we breathe in this area of reconciliation. Sometimes the attitude is I can fix it myself, I don't need anybody's help, and that can be a tremendous problem. 

So, when it comes to facing conflict, one leader summed it up very well. “Many church leaders are not only poor firefighters; all too often they are unwitting arsonists.” But the good news is that arsonists can learn to stop triggering conflicts and, being poor firefighters, can develop peacemaking skills. I can say that from experience, and I may as well start with a confession. I have not only been a victim of conflict in the past some very painful conflict, but I have sometimes been a perpetrator, mostly unwittingly, but destructive nonetheless. So much of what I share in this course is that of personal experience, and so you may as well know that up front. Some of it's good. Much of it is not so good. Some of it is painful memories that I hope that I've learned some things over the years. But hopefully, my journey can help you to arrive at a better destination because peacemaking is at the heart of our gospel.


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