
Peacemaking in the Church and Beyond - Lesson 1

Introduction to Peacemaking in the Church and Beyond

In this lesson on "Peacemaking in the Church and Beyond," you will learn about the importance of effective leadership when dealing with conflict in the church. The course aims to equip leaders with the necessary skills to navigate and resolve conflicts, as well as build a peacemaking church culture. You will explore the different types of conflicts that can arise within a church and the significant damage they can cause. By understanding the underlying reasons for these conflicts, you can begin to address them and work towards reconciliation.

Rick Sessoms
Peacemaking in the Church and Beyond
Lesson 1
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Introduction to Peacemaking in the Church and Beyond

Lesson: Peacemaking in the Church and Beyond

I. Introduction to the Course

A. Importance of leadership in conflict resolution

B. Goal of equipping peacemaking leaders

II. Conflict in the Church

A. Underlying conflicts and their impact

B. Examples of small sparks leading to significant damage

C. Statistics about pastors and conflict

III. Discussion: Causes of Conflict in the Church

  • Learn about the crucial role of leadership in conflict resolution, explore the various types of conflicts in the church, and understand the importance of building a peacemaking culture to prevent and address conflicts effectively.
  • Examine how the church's growth in conflict regions, particularly Rwanda, reveals a need for a more comprehensive gospel that addresses systemic issues and reconciliation, highlighting the church's role as agents of God's reconciling work.
  • You will gain insights into the gospel and its applicability to everyday life, as well as its impact on society, including bringing reconciliation and creating heaven on Earth. The discussion acknowledges the difficulties of living out the gospel in society and the tension between living in the world and living for the gospel.
  • Gain insight into the sparks that ignite conflict in the church, understand how conflicts can escalate, and discover the importance of developing peacemaking skills and fully embracing the gospel to foster unity and resolve conflicts.
  • You will learn about conflict culture in the church, which is an inherited culture for resolving conflict shaped by visible and invisible elements and assumptions and values that drive conditioned responses, and how recognizing and addressing it can lead to healthy conflict resolution.
  • This lesson explores how pastors and church leaders address people-pleasing cultures, examining the attitudes and actions of laissez-faire, controlling, and peacemaking leaders, and discussing the role of the church in promoting peacemaking, involving others, and establishing support systems.
  • Learn to build a culture of peace through passion for the gospel, unified leadership, comprehensive peacemaking theology, and practical tools, emphasizing the transformative power of forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • You learn how unified, gospel-centered leadership can transform church crises into growth opportunities by focusing on strong relationships, clear communication, and shared goals, while addressing the dangers of disunity and competition within leadership teams.
  • You will gain insight into the importance of preparation and certain characteristics that need to be in place before conflict in order to build a united leadership team, using an analogy of running a marathon.
  • Learn the importance of a comprehensive peacemaking theology, the nature of conflict, and effective biblical responses, focusing on escape, attack, and conciliation strategies, illustrated through a wilderness leadership training example and practical applications for congregations.
  • Learn practical steps to overcome conflict by reflecting the glory of God, responding with humility and grace, prioritizing unity over self-interest, speaking the truth in love, and pursuing forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • By learning practical peacemaking tools and focusing on communication, you'll enhance your ability to resolve conflicts by mastering responsible listening and speaking, enabling you to better understand others and communicate your message more effectively.
  • Understand the critical role of listening in ministry and leadership, recognizing how assumptions and selective retention impact comprehension, and you learn to adopt responsible listening patterns to foster understanding and trust in communication.
  • Gain insights into the barriers to good listening, the 600 word gap between listening capacity and speaking rate, and the objectives of responsible listening to improve communication and build trust in relationships.
  • Gain insight into responsible speaking by ensuring clarity, avoiding lengthy speeches, focusing on benefits, and offering solutions only when asked, using strategies like speaking briefly, providing limited information, checking for understanding, and acknowledging listener differences.
  • Learn how to effectively manage the grapevine, an informal communication network, by feeding accurate information to key individuals, which can prevent conflicts and enhance communication in complex organizations like the church.
  • This lesson highlights the crucial role of peacemaking beyond the church, touching on the history of American evangelicalism, race relations, and the inspiring story of Koinonia Farm, which exemplifies the importance of fostering reconciliation in a divided world.

How conflict and leadership intersect.

Dr. Rick Sessoms
Peacemaking in the Church and Beyond
Introduction to Peacemaking in the Church and Beyond
Lesson Transcript

On behalf of Freedom to Lead, our teaching team, and BiblicalTraining.org, I want to welcome you to this course on leadership and peacemaking, entitled “Peacemaking in the Church and Beyond.” Every leader that I know has had to deal with conflict. Most of us face issues related to conflict regularly, even daily, and leadership matters when we deal with conflict, especially in the midst of conflict. When a church is faced with conflict, it’s very survival often depends on the quality of its leadership. If we lead well, our people can mature in faith and our ministries can grow. If we lead poorly, our people will suffer and our ministries can die. To put it simply, when it comes to conflict, as goes the leadership, so often goes the church. 

So, in this course, we're going to deal about how conflict and leadership intersect, and that's a bit unusual in discussions about conflict resolution. Usually, conflict resolution discussions are about how to deal with interpersonal conflict, and we're going to be dealing with that in general terms, but we want to go beyond that discussion and address what it means to be a peacemaking leader and what it means to build a peacemaking church culture. We want to equip you to lead your people well, not only in conflict, but to lead in ways that allow you to prevent many unnecessary conflicts in the church, to get upstream from conflict, if you will, also to lead in the way that you equip your own leaders to be peacemakers so that they can avoid unnecessary conflicts in their lives, and when conflicts do arise, your people will be equipped to resolve most of them personally and privately, without having to involve the leadership in every occasion.

Let me start with an image that is on the campus of Duke University, and being here in the Chapel Hill Territory, I know that's a four letter word, but on the campus of Duke Divinity School stands this bronze rendition of the Luke 15 parable, and it's entitled “Reconciliation.” The sculptor, Margaret Adams Parker, has brilliantly depicted the younger son kneeling next to his father. He's worn out, he's exhausted, but he's relieved. The gift of reconciliation with his father has been achieved, and the good news of the gospel is evident, the hope for new life. And yet the frail father's attention is not focused on the younger son in the sculpture but on the older son, a tall, strapping young man in boots and jeans, his arms crossed his face looking away. The father's arm is outstretched on the arms of the older brother. The older brother's body is tense, it's taut, it's not at all clear what will happen next. The day I visited Duke Divinity School -- I was there for a series of days, a number of days, as we discussed global reconciliation together in their center for Reconciliation there -- I moved around this sculpture, and as you move around the sculpture, you get the distinct perspectives of all three, but it's in these interrelations; it's in the relationship of one character to another, that you can see both the gift of good news and the task of brokenness that is not yet healed. So even as Jesus told this story 21 centuries ago, this brokenness in the world and in the church still exists. There is reconciling work to be done. There's a faithful witness to the gospel to be lived. The church and the world beyond the church are groaning today for reconciliation.

If you've been in ministry even for a while, you know that the church is regularly burned with conflict. Sometimes these conflicts smolder underneath the surface for years in the form of complaining and gossip, backbiting, resentments, unforgiveness. We sort of smell the smoke, but we don't take the time to figure out what's really going on, what's burning, and so this underground fire can go on for a long time while burning like a fire, eating at the roots of a tree, if you will, and then something comes along, some controversy, maybe even seemingly rather insignificant and small, but the tree topples over. These underground conflicts, these subtle things that oftentimes we don't take the time to get at the root of them, can often damage a church deeply. The other kind of conflict that we see may start with a small spark, just a small little spark that seems to trigger it, but those small sparks can sabotage vital ministries and can even shipwreck entire congregations. 

For example, one ministry church that supported my wife and me way back in 1978, when we were in seminary, they sent us a check every month -- it was our rent check at the time -- they went through a major split during our seminary days, and it all started with a water spigot at the parsonage. This church parsonage was just across the street from the church, and the pastor or one of his children let the outside water spigot run, just dribble, and it was affecting the church's water bill over time, and one of the deacons complained. The pastor didn't respond well to the deacon’s complaint, feeling that the deacon’s complaint was an intrusion into his and his family's personal life. The pastor's response didn't sit well with some of the church members, and so others began to complain as well. This led to the pastor preaching regularly from the text in Psalm 105 that says, “Touch not thine anointed.” He publicly used the water spigot as an illustration, that God would judge those who criticize the pastor. Eventually, factions formed into the controversy, two months later erupted. 

One Sunday morning, the pastor unannounced started the morning service by calling the church right then and there for a vote on his ministry, and not a vote by ballot. The church had three sections of pews. There was one on his left, one in the middle and one on the right. My wife and I were actually married in that church. He demanded that those for him sit on the left or move to the left, those against him to the right, and those neutral in the middle. The people reluctantly moved to signal their wishes. The pastor won by the slimmest of margins. As a result, hundreds of people left the church. We lost, needless to say, our support, our rent check, and the pastor ended up resigning from the ministry, left the ministry altogether a few months later. Needless to say, this happened 34 years ago, and several weeks ago, my wife and I were back in that church, and sadly, the church has never recovered from that time. A water spigot, a small spark that left a scarred and scorched landscape. 

But this is, unfortunately, not unusual. We see in the church today that every month, 1,500 pastors in the U.S. quit due to conflict, burnout, or moral failure. Every day in the United States, 50 churches plummet into major conflict. In a study that Christianity Today reported, 34% of all congregations have forced a pastor to resign due to conflict in our nation. That same study showed that 41% of the churches that forced out their pastors have done this to at least two previous pastors, and then finally, of the seven major reasons for forced pastoral exits in America, all seven involve some sort of conflict. Conflict kills. It kills. So, the question is, why is this happening? And I’d just kind of like to throw that open to the group tonight, after setting this sort of dismal stage; why is it happening? What's going on in the church that's causing this kind of devastation and conflict?



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