Bill Job

Bill Job

Meixia Company
Since Bill & Kitty Job arrived in Xiamen in 1987, their vision and innovative techniques have virtually transformed the global glass industry, and at the same time they’ve brought about changes to Fujian as well by providing employment opportunities to villagers in impoverished mountain regions. The Meixia company, Xiamen’s first solely foreign-owned enterprise, grew from a modest investment of $10,000 in 1988 to an estimated worth of over $2 million by 2000. A 1992 Wall Street Journal recognized Bill Job as a “pioneer business spirit and innovative artist,” and a leader in the stained glass industry. Bill Job’s unique woven “Job Glass®”, made from scrap that he once paid to have carted off and buried, is one of the most innovative types of glass to be produced in centuries.
Meixia Company
  • Master of Arts (MA) - Cal State Hayward

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