
Leading Teams with Care - Lesson 15

Five Essential Factors: Team Communication

By taking this lesson on Christ-Centered Leadership, Leading Teams with Care, you will gain knowledge and insight into how to create a safe and secure environment, promote individual growth and development, build a cohesive team, and develop a culture of care. You will also learn practical tips for leading teams with care, including communication, accountability, recognition and reward, and empowerment. This lesson provides a framework for those in leadership positions to develop and maintain a healthy and effective team culture.

Rick Sessoms
Leading Teams with Care
Lesson 15
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Five Essential Factors: Team Communication

Lesson on Christ-Centered Leadership: Leading Teams with Care


I. Introduction

II. Four Elements of Leading Teams with Care

A. Create a Safe and Secure Environment

B. Promote Individual Growth and Development

C. Build a Cohesive Team

D. Develop a Culture of Care

III. Practical Tips for Leading Teams with Care

A. Communication

B. Accountability

C. Recognition and Reward

D. Empowerment

IV. Conclusion

  • Learn to lead Christ-centered teams by understanding unity and diversity in team roles, drawing from the Trinity, and fostering growth and love, with insights from Genesis and Ephesians, while reflecting on and assessing team effectiveness.
  • Learn about the importance of caring for your team, trusting God with your team's vision, people, and resources, and cultivating Christ-Centered teams.
  • Explore the complexities of team dynamics, discussing the combination of diverse skills to achieve common goals, the challenges of being assigned to teams, the distinction between leadership and leaders, the concept of shared leadership, and the importance of relationships within teams.
  • Learn that a team is a small, skill-diverse group committed to common goals and mutual accountability. Teams require clear roles and contributions, aren't always the best solution, and are intentionally planned and maintained, unlike naturally forming groups.
  • This lesson emphasizes the need for a clear, common, and compelling purpose in a team, ensuring that every member understands, owns, and is motivated by this purpose to achieve effective teamwork.
  • Learn how to care for team members and create a culture of caring as a Christ-centered leader, and discover the benefits of doing so, including increased team member engagement and productivity, higher job satisfaction, and improved communication and collaboration.
  • Learn about team roles using the Team Dimensions Profile tool, focusing on the Creator, Advancer, Refiner, Executor, and Flexor roles, their characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, and the importance of balancing these roles for effective teamwork.
  • By completing this lesson on Christ-Centered Leadership, you will gain insight into team building, leading with care, creating a culture of care, and balancing results and care.
  • Learn how to lead your team with care by understanding the importance of caring for your team members, effective communication, and setting clear expectations.
  • In this lesson, you will learn how to lead with care by understanding the importance of caring for your team, the qualities of a caring leader, and practical strategies for creating a safe environment, building relationships, providing support, and offering encouragement and recognition.
  • In this lesson on Christ-Centered Leadership, you will learn the importance of leading teams with care, how to practice it practically, the role of emotions in leadership, and effective communication methods.
  • Learn how to lead and develop a caring team, overcome obstacles to team sustainability, and gain insights into the characteristics of a leader who cares and a caring team.
  • This lesson on Christ-Centered Leadership will teach you how to lead teams with care, lead through change, and lead with humility.
  • Learn how to be a Christ-centered leader who cares for your team by understanding the biblical foundations, creating a culture of care, leading through change, and sustaining care for yourself and your team.
  • This lesson on Christ-Centered Leadership provides knowledge and insight into creating a safe and secure environment, promoting individual growth and development, building a cohesive team, developing a culture of care, and practical tips for leading teams with care.

Teamwork is the will of God for the people of God.

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Dr. Rick Sessoms Leading Teams with Care MC611-15 Five Essential Factors Team Communication Lesson Transcript [00:00:02] So effective teams. Every effective team needs four things. And you can remember this by the acrostic ARIA. Every effective team needs appropriate authority. They need access to get the job done. If your team does not have appropriate authority, whether it's as a team or as individuals on the team. Do something about it. Because otherwise it will really frustrate the people in the team. Secondly, need appropriate resources. Whether that's money or staff or equipment or space or time, all those are resources. The third is that they need appropriate information. You've been on teams as I have, where it can be very frustrating if critical information is withheld. And in a society in which information is power, it's critical to empower people with appropriate information. I've been in, in churches where the idea was a need to know basis, and you don't need to know that kind of an approach. And we, we need to open up the portals of information so that people have the appropriate information so that they can get the job done. And finally, there needs to be appropriate accountability. Teams do not work well unless there is accountability. So remember that with ARIA, if active teams need appropriate authority, appropriate resources, appropriate information, appropriate accountability. And so finally, let me go to the fifth factor, which is team communication. We are going to spend a significant amount of time in the course on peacemaking related to communication. And because its communication is so important in every discipline. But I'll save most of my comments for communication when we get into active listening and responsible speaking and so forth until that time. But let me just talk about one area, and it has to do with appropriate team communication methods. [00:02:46] Having worked with teams over the years, people have begun to to ask what types of communication work the best. When we're working with teams. And so a colleague from London and I put this little chart together some years ago and you can see there that that there are certain different certain communication methods. There's audio, in other words, telephone, there's face to face and there's data generation where there's emails or whatever it is. If you if you're using a, um, you know, some sort of information gathering source of some type. As you look across the, the, the, the top and I've got a copy of this for all of you just so that your you'll have a copy of it. We've learned and we've based upon a lot of observation and this could be approved. Please understand there's not infallible by any means, but what we've. What we've seen is that there are different. Types of communication that are more appropriate for different kinds of needs with a team. And every one of those areas as you go across the top are things that teams are going to need to do together. They're going to need to collect data, they're going to need to generate ideas and plans. Then they're going to come up with problems with answers, problems without answers, negotiating technical or interpersonal conflicts. And you can see, for example, that negotiating technical and interpersonal conflicts by email is a poor fit. Yeah, that's pretty common sense, isn't it? I have worked in organizations that have, uh, that have very smart people, but they use email in a very dumb way because it's easy to hit the button on Friday afternoon to settle, settle in interpersonal conflict. And whoever receives that, they're there. [00:05:02] Sunday is ruined. And besides that, when we receive those kinds of emotional statements in a written email form, it creates problems in relationships. So when we're negotiating, when technical details or interpersonal conflicts, the face to face is obviously the best telephone is second email is out. So that's just an example on the other side of it, collecting data, email or written communication as best they can. It's frustrating when people try to get in a circle and try to collect data and just share data because you don't have time to read it. You're sitting there saying, Well, what am I supposed to do with this? I haven't seen this. How am I supposed to react to it? That's where the written communication is most helpful rather than face to face. So that's this this little chart may seem rather intuitive, but if you'll use that and use it with your team, I think you'll find more healthy interactions and less frustration as you go along. So the face to face as a team, face to face, not a 1 to 1. That's right. It can be one on one, but it's a team. And our application here is team and working in the context. Any comments about that. What has been your experience with those different kinds of communication? Does that the do these do these suggestions make sense to you? How do you feel about those? Well, just to. Yeah. Interesting case scenario. Periodically in the church, what churches experience is that the leadership can oftentimes receive rather vehement comments from disgruntled congregants or parishioners or whatever. And, you know, very poor choice on the part of the person who said that, you know. And one of the things that I've appreciated here at the church here is that the approach of the elder system is we very rapidly leave that form of communication and go to face to face when there's emotional involvement on the part of the person. [00:07:46] The first. I think that's a good strategy. And, you know, wise people, including now yourself, I would put you in that category, have advised us as an elder board to never use email for anything controversial. You still do. Of big global organizations to put a moratorium on emails for anything except information gathering. And then people don't read this information. They just don't read it. How many people say, I don't read the polls? Yeah. Or I didn't receive that one, which is the attachment, you know? So that's the value of Dropbox. Yeah, definitely. You know, just in the work environment, you see people will have some issue with a particular, you know, they'll, they'll be, they won't, they're not happy about something, they'll send you an email about it and then they'll like cc their, you know, you know the director or like, you know, the VP and just, just to like, you know, they're thrown out legal and they're like, you know, kind of calling in air support and you're just like, oh, was that you know, that was completely not a you know, you just come over to my office and talk to me about that sort of like involving escalating it such a you know, it's such an easy tool, isn't it? Yeah, it's too easily used and abused. That's so easy to. Understand. I think the point here is if is you're leading teams, one of the things I would advise you is that right out of the blocks, establish how you're going to communicate with each other. What are the ground rules in which you're going to communicate so that it's clear that we're going to do certain things with email, we're going to do certain things with phone, we're going to do certain things face to face, and we're going to maintain those ground rules so that we maintain right relationships and moving the task forward in a timely fashion.
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