Leading Teams with Care - Lesson 5
Five Essential Factors: Purpose
This lesson explores five essential factors for an effective team: purpose, roles, process, leadership, and communication. Learn the importance of a team purpose being clear, common, and compelling. Reflect on your team's purpose to identify gaps in understanding, ownership, and motivation. Practical exercises and discussions help you develop a purpose that aligns and inspires your team, ensuring effective teamwork and shared goals.
Five Essential Factors: Purpose
Lesson on Christ-Centered Leadership: Leading Teams with Care
I. The Importance of Leading with Care
A. The Need for Care in Leadership
B. The Effects of Care on Team Performance and Retention
C. The Biblical Basis for Leading with Care
II. Developing a Culture of Care in Leadership
A. Creating a Safe and Supportive Environment
B. Empathy and Listening Skills
C. Prioritizing Personal Development and Growth
III. Practical Steps for Leading with Care
A. Establishing Clear Expectations and Goals
B. Providing Feedback and Encouragement
C. Balancing Accountability with Compassion
IV. Conclusion
A. Recap of the Importance of Leading with Care
B. Call to Action: Implementing Care in Leadership
Dr. Rick Sessoms
Leading Teams with Care
Five Essential Factors Purpose
Lesson Transcript
Well, as we go through this process, then, we're going to be talking for the remainder of this course on five essential factors for an effective team. So we're talking about a good team here. Purpose, roles, process, leadership, and communication.
Let's start with purpose. Every team needs a purpose, which means that every member is aligned to a specific task that has three characteristics, and this is going to seem very simple; I hope it is. The task is common. That means that everybody is on board with it, everybody owns it, everybody understands it. It is something that we share together, this purpose. Secondly, that the task is clear. It is not obtuse. The terminology, whatever the case may be, the task is clear to everyone; we're all straight on what this task is all about. And then finally, very important, it's compelling.
So, the purpose that we're talking about is a purpose for which every member of the team is aligned to a task that has those three elements, that it's common, clear and compelling. If it does not have all three of those characteristics, it is not a good purpose. And I can give you many examples, but it seems pretty simple, but I want to say to you that when I have presented this information to teams in the past, most teams do not have a purpose that meets these three characteristics. In fact, it may shock you to know that probably somewhere in the category of 5% of the teams that I work with fulfill all three of these characteristics. It may be common, but it's not compelling. It may be clear, but it's not common. Or it may be missing two or three of those, I don't know.
Think about teams that you’re on. Would you say that the teams that you're on have purposes that fulfill all three of those characteristics?
I can think of a team I’m on that I think has elements of all three, but some are stronger than others. I think that some of the struggles we've been facing are because our task is not completely clear to all team members, but I think we have a clear task; I think it's just different people's understanding of it needs to be better defined. Maybe we need to have a discussion more about our common vision.
I wonder how many of us are involved in entities that sometimes function not as a team but as a group and at other times function as teams, depending on the task.
That's a good point. So according to this, you are functioning as a team because you have a task. Otherwise, it's a group. Or it's not a team that's functioning, let's put it that way.
So, let me ask you to do this. Usually at this point, if I'm working with a team, and I often do that, I would encourage them at this point to work together on their team purpose, and it may take an hour or two to work through this process so that they can finally arrive at a purpose that is clear and common and compelling, and that's a huge challenge for most groups that I work with. In lieu of that, because not all of you work on the same team, may I suggest that you, in your mind, think of a team that you're on right now? Can you all think of a team that you're on right now? I would like to ask you, if you would, take about two or three minutes and just jot down what you perceive to be the purpose of that team. Can you do that? Just do that individually, and as you're writing it, just think to yourself, is this purpose that I'm writing common to all of us? Do we all agree on it? Do we all own it? Is it clear? Do we all understand it? If I gave this statement to everybody on the team, would they understand it? And thirdly, does it get us out of bed in the morning? Is it something that compels us beyond just the ordinary duty to get it done? Is that fair? So if you would, think of a team that you’re on and just jot that down, if you would, and we'll work through in just a few moments, take the next step.
[Time passed]
I'd just like to ask if you'd be willing just to turn to your partner and discuss what you've written down as purpose statements and sort of describe what you've written down and discuss together, is this statement common to our team, as best you can read it, is it clear, and is it compelling? And if not, why not? And then the next question that I'd like you to ask each other is what might it take to make this statement common to our group or clear to our group or compelling in our team? So if you could just pair up and think about that carefully, because this is a critical issue about an effective team, is the purpose of the team. Without this purpose, this is kind of the North Star.
Tim and I are working with some groups right now, and oftentimes what we find with these groups is that if we don't focus on our purpose, if we don't focus on where we're going, what our endgame is, we end up spending a lot of time building the tower, as it were. We tend to focus on the structure of the team, and you know, who's on first, who's on second, who gets to lead, who has to follow, you know, who's in charge, and all that kind of stuff, and it's really important to get the purpose and the goal clear so that this is what we have out in front of us as the collective. Otherwise, we can go off in all kinds of different directions. So very important steps. Share with each other what you've written down and ask those tough questions. Is this clear? As best I can tell to our group, is it common? Is it compelling? And if it's not, why not? If it's not, what would it take to get there? Is that fair to wrestle with a little bit among ourselves? I'd really like to have you do that. So take just a few moments, and you can join in twos or join in threes and do that and see where that conversation leads you. Try to help each other a little bit here. I'm just going to kind of roam and listen, if that's all right, to you as you talk.
[Time passes]
I want to encourage you that when you go from here to work on your teams that you take these three characteristics and begin to work them, because I'm really hearing some great thinking about what needs to be done, what gaps there are. One person has said that when we have these three, it's heaven, or maybe that's what heaven will be like, and until then, it won't quite be there. But this is an aspiration, a move that we can make, and certainly, as leaders, should be making toward an effective team. Those that don't have these three can really lag, so I just want to encourage that. Are there comments or reflections that came out of your group experience that you'd like to share? Anything in particular?
STUDENT: Well, I just made the comment that the task is compelling when it's more personal, it's compelling; I think it has a more compelling aspect to it.
There's no question about that. Yeah, if it touches you personally.
There was a comment made over here about the compelling aspect. You want to share that?
STUDENT: I was just relating, and you helped me get my story more straight, but I remember Steve Jobs was attempting to recruit John Sculley from Pepsi to Apple when Apple was fairly young, and he wanted to recruit him in as the CEO, and Sculley was resistant to moving from a very successful PepsiCo to a fledgling Apple, and Steve Jobs finally said to him, “John,” he said, “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugar water, or do you want a chance to change the world?” And that was so compelling to John, his resistance was overcome, and he moved over.
So, I think the point that I heard -- that's an excellent example -- the point that I heard coming out of the group, which is excellent, is that while a purpose may be compelling initially, the reality is that the compelling nature of it is part of leadership’s role to continue to instill that kind of inspiration, to instill that kind of compulsion, if you would, that this is something that we rise above our natural inclinations to do together. And so that is a role of leadership, that compelling piece that Jobs certainly provided continually within his context in Apple over the years. Well, take that one on, if you would. As I said, it's easier said than done. Those are not difficult concepts to understand, but sometimes quite challenging to apply within our work teams, at least as I have worked with them.
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