
Spiritual Warfare - Lesson 25

Conclusion to Spiritual Warfare

This lesson provides essential insights into demons and spiritual warfare, dispelling misconceptions about demonic influence in the United States. It addresses the uncertain nature of demons, whether they are fallen angels or not, and questions the role of prayer and fasting in dealing with them. The lesson emphasizes living as children of light and clarifies that demons cannot read minds but can deceive, accuse, and tempt. The ability of demons to inhabit believers is uncertain, but they may inhabit places. Confronting demons requires invoking Jesus Christ's authority. This lesson equips you to engage in spiritual warfare and deliver those in bondage, relying on Jesus' authority and freedom.

Gerry Breshears
Spiritual Warfare
Lesson 25
Watching Now
Conclusion to Spiritual Warfare

I. Demons and Their Influence

A. The Notion of Demons in the United States

B. Are Demons Fallen Angels?

C. The Role of Prayer and Fasting

D. Can Demons Read Minds?

E. Confessed Sin and Demonic Influence

F. Can Demons Be Inside a Believer?

G. Demons Inhabiting Places and Things

H. Demons Appearing with Individuals

II. Spiritual Warfare and the Authority of Believers

A. Living as Children of Light

B. Spiritual Practices and Identity

C. Standing in the Authority of Jesus

III. Conclusion and Blessing

A. Recap of Key Points

B. Equipped for Spiritual Warfare

C. Prayer for Blessing and Success


Dr. Gerry Breshears
Spiritual Warfare
Conclusion to Spiritual Warfare
Lesson Transcript


So, postscript to what we've done, I just want to come back and deal with a few questions and give you quick answers to them. One of the questions is because the United States is a Christian nation, that means demons don't do stuff here. I've heard folks say that. Demons may work in Africa, Philippines, but not in the United States because we're a nation founded on Christian principles.

I just got to say that's absolutely false. I mean, how Christian the United States is, is a point of debate. But there's nothing about a Christian nation protecting us from the work of demons. I do think that demons work differently here because to be effective here, they say, "There's no demons here," and we believe them. If you're in Africa, "I'm a demon and I have control," so I think that's the thing. But there's nothing because we're a Christian nation or a Christian Church that means we're protected from demons. Meaning if they can attack Jesus, they can attack anybody.

Another thing is, are demons fallen angels? Well, there are fallen angels. I mean, we looked at some of those in the Biblical theology side. We see the imprisoned spirits, the angels that are in Tartarus. But what happens, the Bible never says demons are fallen angels. In the way I put things together, there are higher ordered territorial spirits. Prince of Persia, Artemises, God of Ephesus, that sort of thing. There are lower level demons that Paul kicks out of believers without going after Artemis. So, I have to say, I don't know if demons are fallen angels or not.

And people say, "Well, if they're not fallen angels, what are they?" My answer is, I don't know. They're personal. They hate Jesus. They want to destroy His works and bring defilement into His goodness, and disorder into His shalom. But exactly what they are? Scripture doesn't say, and let's leave it at that. They are personal. It's not just cultural influences, but I don't make the point that demons are fallen angels. Could be. I don't say they're not. There are fallen angels. I mean, we know that. But what are demons? Except being personal, malevolent things we just don't know. So I leave it at that.

There are those who say, "Well fast, and it gives you more power over the demons," because Matthew or Mark 9, "This kind comes only by prayer and fasting." And if you know a bit of textual history, you know that the "and fasting" is probably a later addition to that text. I think fasting is a good thing. It's one of the fundamental spiritual practices. It's one of the things that Jesus talks about in the Sermon on the Mount when He talks about three practices, giving prayer and fasting. And it assumes we will do fasting, and that can help our relationship with God. But I don't think we need to do prayer and fasting specifically before we deal with demon stuff who are less powerful. I think those spiritual practices should be a regular part of our lives. And what I do is the Ephesians 5:8, "You were dark as you are, light in the Lord, therefore live as children of light."

I take that central phrase, and I try to live my life every day as I want to "lighten up". I want to confirm the reality, I'm a child of Lord most high. I'm called to be pastor of pastors, and I have authority. I'm seated with him the heavenlies, and that's "lighten up". Confess and make into present reality the fundamental truths of scripture, and have that be my identity and that be my process. So, when I come into these kinds of things, whatever it is, I'm coming as child of the Lord Most High. Lord of the Rings films are among my favorites. And there's a scene in the first one where Gandalf faces the fire monster in the mines of the dwarves, and the fire monster is coming and Gandalf is on the bridge, "You will not pass."

And they end up dying together as they fall into the abyss. Of course, Gandalf resurrected. But that kind of thing is my reaction to demons. You will not. Why? Because I stand the name in the power of Jesus, and that's the hope and courage I bring to these kinds of things.

Can the devil read my mind? And the answer is, I don't know. I mean, I honestly don't know whether he can or not. What I do know is that my pretty wife can know what's going on in my life, unless I want her to read my mind and somehow she doesn't know what I want her to know. But I think friends can know what's going on inside. My base thing is I can't hide something from a demon by not speaking it. So I just leave it at that. And I just assume the demon knows basically what's going on, but I don't count on it either direction.

Another common thing, we've talked about it several times. Unconfessed sin gives a demon legal right to invade and indwell and inhabit. I absolutely reject that. That is not legal ground. It's not a foothold. It's not a place for a demon to stand, and I've got to get rid of that before I kick out the demon. But, sin in my life is an opportunity for Satan to put energy into it. To exploit my sinful patterns, my fear patterns, whatever it is. And he will take advantage of all kinds of stuff in my life. So, I think bringing my life into maturity and wholeness in Christ's likeness is essential in spiritual warfare. And Satan will give us, by temptation, accusation, deception, try to impede that progress. I think that's really true. But it does not give him ground to stand on that I have to deal with before I can deal with him. Jesus kicks demons out all kinds of people, and never cancels ground before He does it. So, unconfessed sin gives him opportunity, but that's not legal ground as I understand it.

Demons cannot be inside a believer. True or false? Well, I mean, you heard me talk about that. My answer is, I don't know. The Bible never addresses that particular question. But the idea that Jesus, that we're temple of the Holy Spirit, that's true. We are temple of the Holy Spirit, no question about that. But just like there can be demonic stuff in the Old Testament temple, Manasseh puts all kinds of stuff in the temple, 2 Kings 21, that Josiah cleans out as his son, 2 King 23. I think there can be demonic stuff in the Old Testament temple, but I don't know how close that is analogy to the believer's life. So my answer to this question, can a demon inside a believer? My answer is literally, I don't know. I don't think it makes any difference. The physical location of a spiritual being. The point of it is, it's what is authority in my life? What is the influence in my life? Those are critical questions or important questions.

Can believers be influenced by demons? And there, the clear answer is yes, absolutely. Deception, accusation, and temptation are Satan's common weapons against believers, and we can fall prey to any of those. We don't have to, but we can. That's why we pursue Christ's likeness and things around that. No question about that.

Can demons inhabit places and things? Well, places, we see in the Old Testament, the high places that people coming back to, we see that one enigmatic thing in Mark chapter five, where the demons don't want to be driven away from this area. I think demons are localized in many cases. We have the case of like, Artemis is the god of Ephesus, Ba'al in Cana and Asherah, or gods of Canaan. We see that sort of thing happening.

What I find is I think that demons do have particular places that they do. So, I live close to Mount Tabor. Well, Seminary, it's right on the flank of Mount Tabor. And I do know that at Pagan holidays there's stuff going on on Mount Tabor. It's a high place in the city of Portland. And I think that those high places are places where there's particular demonic activity. But I'm not afraid to go up on Mount Tabor because I came to the name of power of Jesus Christ. It's not a risky place for me to be. But if they're having a Pagan festival up there on Halloween or something like that, I don't go up there then. Because that's not a place I need to be. So that would be a question.

Other questions. Can a demon appear with somebody? Do some people see demons? I think that's sensitivity type things. I think there are some people who are much more sensitive to demons. I had one time, I was working with somebody who had been out of a deep occultic background and I was doing work with her, and all of a sudden she got extremely agitated and I said, "What's going on?" She said, "Don't you see it?" And I said, "I don't. What are you seeing?" "Right there!" "Okay?" I believed that she's seeing something. And she described it for me, briefly, and it was ugly and awful.

So, what I did at that spot, I just felt like this deep urge. So, I reached over and I took her hand. We were sitting down. We stood up and I walked directly toward the spot where the demon was. I thought she was going to vomit. She was so scared. And the demon disappeared because he came in the name authority of Jesus Christ. And I was declaring that as we walked toward it. Now that was my, maybe aggressiveness coming out, but the gates of hell will not stand. And I was convinced at that point, it was a moment of the spirit, I think, when we needed to show her whose boss around here. And that was really comforting to her. Though I'm confident she, by herself, she would not walked out the demon.

But that's the sort of thing that comes up. There are a lot of other questions that come up. But the fundamental ground that I want to come from is we're children of the Lord Most High. Jesus is our brother. Holy Spirit is our helper there with us. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. And we came to name an authority, and we're come to proclaim deliverance to the captives. Freedom for the bondage. Those in bondage.

And if we do this wisely, and well, and multimodal. Not everything is a demon, but there are some demons. And if you've got a demon around here, I don't want him to be here. And that's the freedom I think we have in Jesus Christ.

So that's a fundamental reality I come to, and coming back to this again, is Jesus Christ came to defeat the works of the serpent. We are working with him as blessful and image bearing covenant partners, and we need to be equipped with confidence and competence to know how to deal with ordinary spiritual warfare. Just like we need to deal with ordinary sin issues. I think all of us can do those kinds of things, though some will be more equipped than others, just in specialization type things. And I'm hoping as result of being through this course together, that you can become a blessable image bearing covenant partner with some extra knowledge and skills to deal with demonic stuff when it becomes more present and more personal beyond the ordinary spiritual warfare. So, I pray deep blessing for you and wish you God's best in God's kingdom. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


  • Discover Dr. Breshears' journey from science to spiritual warfare, debunking scientific explanations for demons. Unveil a seminary student's anxiety battle, uncover curses, theological misconceptions, and inner demonic voices. Prepare for a course on spiritual warfare and staying loyal to God.
  • Gain insights into worldviews within Christianity, including polytheism, American monotheism, and Christian monotheism. Explore the nature of spiritual beings and idols.
  • Gain knowledge of the biblical context of spiritual warfare, the role of supernatural powers in Egypt, the warnings against foreign gods, and the heavenly battles involving angels, emphasizing the importance of exclusive worship of Yahweh and the dangers of idolatry.
  • You'll gain insight into spiritual warfare through Genesis 11, where human defiance led to the scattering of nations and involvement of angelic beings.
  • You will gain insight into a distinct biblical interpretation that views the universe's creation as an act of shaping Eden within a pre-existing cosmic war, and the role of humans in this ongoing battle by cultivating goodness and order to combat evil and chaos.
  • In this lesson, the story of Adam and Eve is analyzed within the context of spiritual warfare, highlighting the serpent's strategy to question God's goodness and encourage independence, while God responds with a call to confession and hints at a future Messiah's role in redemption.
  • This lesson offers an insightful interpretation of Genesis 6:1-4, presenting the "Sons of God" as angelic beings who sinned by marrying humans, leading to the Nephilim, linking this perspective to New Testament passages and the symbolism of baptism as a victory declaration against evil forces, deepening your understanding of the nuanced interpretation of these biblical passages and their importance in Christianity.
  • The passages reviewed in this lesson reveal a unique portrayal of God's actions, using unconventional methods. Challenge common interpretations, caution against single-verse doctrines. Embrace the mystery of God's ways, avoiding rigid interpretations when context is unclear.
  • This lesson reviews a passage in Colossians, offering insights into spiritual warfare and the dichotomy between the kingdoms of light and darkness, emphasizing believers' rescue from darkness into the kingdom of the Son of God, forgiveness of sins, and the essential elements of faith, all of which are vital for confronting demonic accusations and oppression.
  • Learn the core of Ephesians: spiritual warfare, dedication to God vs. Satan, moral maturity, and becoming Christ's partner. Emphasizes unity, living in light, using God's Word, and the power of prayer in this battle.
  • Learn to resist the temptations of the world and the devil by humbling yourself, casting anxiety on God, being self-controlled, alert, and standing firm in faith as taught in James and 1 Peter, emphasizing the importance of using your strengths for God's kingdom and opposing pressures and distortions from the enemy to avoid being devoured.
  • This lesson highlights the significance of facing spiritual forces in Jesus' name, stressing that authority alone isn't enough. Faith, confidence, and prayer-driven competence are vital for effective spiritual warfare. It inspires you to confront spiritual battles like Jesus did, with authority and unwavering faith.
  • This lesson delves into a biblical narrative highlighting Jesus' authority over evil spirits. It emphasizes the transformative power of His deliverance and the profound change it can bring to those tormented by demonic influence.
  • This lesson provides deep insights into Satan's fall in the Bible, covering Old Testament passages (Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28) linked to it, addressing their ambiguity. It also discusses withholding Satan's name due to his evil nature and how Jesus broke his authority in the New Testament, though he remains a threat to believers.
  • This lesson delves into the intricate dynamics between believers, demons, and the world in the biblical context. You'll uncover Satan's mysterious role in Judas's betrayal of Jesus, posing questions about the motivations and divine alignment in this pivotal event.
  • This lesson equips you with the knowledge of how Jesus confronted temptation and spiritual warfare, emphasizing three essential steps: quoting Scripture to the devil, commanding the devil to leave in Jesus' name, and shifting your focus from demonic attack to Jesus' provision.
  • This lesson explores 3 Deliverance Ministry models: 1) Classic - resist Satan's temptations, 2) Power Encounter - deal with sin before casting out demons, 3) Truth Encounter - dispel lies, reclaim identity in Christ. Dr. Breshears prefers the Truth Encounter model while allowing for diverse biblical approaches.
  • This lesson provides comprehensive insights on dealing with the demonic from a biblical perspective, emphasizing the triumph of Jesus over Satan, the ongoing spiritual battles, the importance of faith in the midst of adversity, and the need to follow biblical patterns while avoiding unnecessary fascination with evil and excessive fearfulness.
  • This lesson explores demons and Satan's impact on believers, emphasizing that even righteous individuals can face their influence. It reveals how deception, curses, and accusations can create strongholds in belief systems, perpetuated by Satan. Demons exploit weaknesses, desires, and ignorance, leading to destructive behaviors. The lesson ends with the assurance that believers are never abandoned by the Holy Spirit.
  • From this lesson, you will gain insight into the Dr. Breshear's approach to identifying potential demonic influence in people's lives, focusing on areas like accusing voices, oppressive presence, and occult involvement. He emphasizes the importance of assessing these influences when individuals face issues like anxiety, addiction, or persistent problems. By probing into their experiences and thoughts, the goal is to recognize and address these negative influences, ultimately seeking to remove them from the person's life.
  • This lesson provides insights into assessing potential demonic influence in individuals' lives, offering strategies to distinguish personal issues from demonic influences and empower individuals to confront and overcome such challenges with the authority of Jesus Christ.
  • From this lesson, you will gain insight into the controversial topic of demonic influence and possession within Christianity. The lesson explores the various meanings of "possessed" and the debate surrounding whether a Christian can be dominated or influenced by a demon. It emphasizes that while ownership by a demon is generally denied, the extent of demonic influence remains debated.
  • You will learn a comprehensive approach to address demons in a pastoral setting, emphasizing individual empowerment, cooperation, and the transformative potential of confronting these malevolent forces to achieve freedom and healing.
  • This lesson discusses curses, demonic attacks, and their real-life impact. It highlights curses arising from disobedience, similar to God's curse in the Bible. The lesson promotes rejecting curses and dedicating spaces to God while emphasizing that curses have power only when received, suggesting turning to Jesus for protection and deliverance.
  • Explor the nature, influence, and tactics of demons, dispelling myths of immunity in the US. While prayer and fasting aren't mandatory, living as children of light and invoking Jesus' name is key. Demons may exploit unconfessed sin, deceive, and dwell in specific places. Believers confront them with Jesus' authority, engaging in spiritual warfare to deliver the oppressed.