
Disciplemaking - Lesson 5

Heart of Discipleship

This session focuses on the importance of abiding in Jesus Christ in order to bear much fruit in one's life. The lesson opens with the speaker talking about the great command of loving God with all one's heart, soul, mind, and strength, and the essence of being a disciple of Jesus. Joe and Mary Jo emphasize that discipleship is a relational process, and as one abides in Jesus, one becomes a stronger follower of Him.
Lesson 5
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Heart of Discipleship

I. Love Relationship with God

A. Importance of Love Relationship

B. Abiding in Christ

C. Transformative Power of Love Relationship

II. The Great Command

A. Loving God with Heart, Soul, and Mind

B. Loving Others as Yourself

III. Foundations of Love Relationship

A. Scripture as Basis for Love Relationship

B. Understanding Who God is and What He's Done for Us

IV. Importance of Spending Time in Scripture

A. Course Textbooks as Supplements to Scripture

B. Encouragement to Dig Deep in the Word of God


Joe Handley and Mary Jo Wilson
Heart of Discipleship
Lesson Transcript

Joe Handley [00:00:00] Hi friends. Welcome to our second section with Making Disciples, cause we're excited to be together and I'm enjoying working with Mary Jo as we walk through this course together, this section, we really want to talk about the great command, loving God with all our heart, soul and mind, and a little bit about loving others as ourself. We're going to dig into that pretty deep. And you know, this course is meant to be an opportunity for you to dig deep in the Word of God. So while we have a few course textbooks for you, we really want you to spend time in Scripture. And this first section, what we want to really talk about is our love relationship with God abiding in Christ and how critical this is, that love component of the great command, because that's where discipleship all begins. So we're going to be unpacking that over the course of the next few minutes here, and I think you're really going to enjoy it. And then interestingly enough, to me, this is a core component to our work with Asian access. We call it living in a love relationship with God. And when I first came to Asian Access, I thought, isn't that kind of a no brainer for all Christians? You know, why do we emphasize this? Because every church, an organization that's a Christian, you know, should be focused on this. Holy cow. Was I shocked when I started meeting our alumni and people going through the process of learning about discipleship with Asian access, person after person after person said the single most powerful thing of going through the Asian access experience was this refreshing love relationship with God. I don't know about you, but in my life, in ministry, my life, my walk with God, you sort of get into these ruts after a while, and the longer you're in ministry in particular, you get caught in the weeds and a little lost and you can actually lose your first love. And so what we want to talk about in this first section or the second section is really this love relationship with God and the importance of abiding in Christ.

Mary Jo Wilson [00:02:34] You bet. I am really blessed that when I first became a Christian, my mentor, this was part of his heart and soul and had the love relationship with Jesus was really at the center of who he was. And I learned that by his example and his life. And so that I think that is really sustained my faith through all of these years. And you're right, certainly it is easy to get caught in the weeds and we diverge at times and it's great to be brought back to that. And so this really is that that the foundation of everything else. And so it's it's a really important and I've enjoyed talking with some of our leaders and how transformative it's been for them. Now as we go into this, we also see how it forms us, the love relationship, it forms us, and then it brings power to our life. And so it's just really that critical piece. And when we will go into some teaching videos, but before we go into teaching videos, we want to emphasize the focus on the Word of God. And it's really in Scripture that understanding who God is and forming and understanding what he's done for us, and that that becomes a basis, a lot of that for our love relationship with God. And so we're focusing on John 14 verses 15 to chapter 15, verse 27, and the section on abiding. And so what we would like you to do is first, your first textbook is your Bible is to get at your Bible. And in one sitting, not just that passage, but get the full context. And we'd like you to read John 13 to 17 and read through those chapters and go ahead and read through that those five chapters in one sitting and do that a couple of times. And then if you can go into this section of John 14 and read that core passage several times, five times, just just read that over and over. But we'd ask that when you're reading that, especially that you're alert to read it in God's presence, that you pray to God, speak to me through your Word, and that you're sitting with God in God's presence, that you're not just in your head, but you're really engaging your heart, your spirit, listening to him as you read this passage. And then after you have done that, you've really soaked in the word. You've got the context you focused in with God, and you read that core passage. Then we'd like you to look at what Michael Card, how he comments on that section. And so if you could start read the introduction to Michael Card, understand his approach, a little introduction to the Gospel of John, and then get into that core section and read what Michael has to contribute to that. And we think that will just bring another layer in your learning.

Joe Handley [00:05:21] Friends, we can't emphasize enough the importance of God's Word. We want you to know how important that is. And while we have these other, of course, books, Michael guard work by Dallas Willard and Bob Logan, the main element here is the Bible. And so please dig deep into this passage for this section and the upcoming sections. And soon we're going to start to unpack John 15 and the importance of abiding in Christ. But we cannot emphasize enough how important it is to soak ourselves in the Word of God. So let's enjoy together and see where God takes us.

  • Mary Jo Wilson and Joe Handley introduce themselves and express their excitement about the upcoming discipleship course, which aims to enhance participants' relationship with God and their work in the world, and encourage them to bring transformative change to their church and ministry.
  • Joe Handley outlines the elements that they will be covered in the Disciplemaking course: what is a disciple, the great commandment, becoming a disciple, being a disciple, fruitfulness, and multiplying disciples.
  • The lesson discusses the approach to discipleship, which is focused on the four gospels and building obedient disciples through the seven obedience; it emphasizes a holistic approach to following Jesus and the informed imagination, and the course will focus on the gospels of John, Matthew, Luke, and Mark.
  • Mary Jo Wilson emphasizes the importance of understanding the role of suffering and persecution in discipleship, as it is a recurring theme in the Gospels and is also a part of the early church experience, and discusses how enduring such hardships can be a formative experience for Christians.
  • The lesson discusses the importance of abiding in Christ as the key to joy in life, bearing fruit in one's life, and becoming a disciple of Jesus through a deep and communal relationship with Him.
  • Discipleship is not a program but a relationship. Abiding in Christ is the key to joy in life and bearing much fruit and is achieved through having a deep communal walk with Jesus and allowing Him to prune us to make us stronger.
  • Mary Jo Wilson discusses the importance of a posture of repentance and dependence on the Holy Spirit in the discipleship process, and highlights the work of the Holy Spirit in convicting of sin, guiding in decision making, and forming believers into Christ.
  • The instructors and students discuss their thoughts and experiences on what it means to be a disciple, including the importance of maintaining a growing relationship with God, the internal aspects of discipleship, abiding in God, the role of inviting God into everyday life, and the significance of pruning.
  • This session discusses the importance of becoming a disciple of Jesus and our identity in Christ, illustrated through the example of churches in Japan becoming centers for relief goods after the 2011 disasters and being seen as representatives of Christ by the community.
  • By taking this lesson, you will gain knowledge and insight into the relationship between the Sermon on the Mount and the Kingdom of God, including the importance of Jesus' teachings in the Sermon on the Mount and how they relate to the mission of the church and the call to discipleship.
  • The lesson discusses the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7, where Jesus describes the Kingdom of God and how his followers are to live as salt and light in the world, raising the bar on the interpretation of the Old Testament law and calling for inner righteousness, forgiveness, and love for enemies.
  • This lesson reviews the importance of becoming like Jesus and displaying his characteristics, such as humility and generosity, to become authentic Christ-centered people in our communities, and emphasizes the need for communal support to grow in our faith.
  • In this group discussion about discipleship and the Sermon on the Mount, the students and instructors reflect on the Beatitudes and how they challenge and contrast with the values of the world, and discuss how Jesus lifted up marginalized people and called all his followers to be salt and light in the world.
  • In this lesson Mary Jo Wilson and Joe Handley discuss transitioning from becoming a disciple to being a disciple who makes disciples, with a focus on the overflow of abiding in Christ into the lives of others.
  • Mary Jo Wilson discusses the importance of spiritual conversations and how to approach them in our daily lives through the example of Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well in John chapter 4.
  • Joe Handley discusses the idea of being a disciple of Jesus and how to share one's story and witness through different tools, including prayer, social media, and engaging with others through layering of interactions.
  • The class discusses the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, highlighting how Jesus approached the woman with humility and respect, treating her like a real person and engaging in a conversation with her, despite social and cultural barriers. They also discuss how Jesus challenged his disciples to adopt a Kingdom way that breaks down barriers and recognizes the value and dignity of all people.
  • This session focuses on the importance of reproducibility and sustainability in disciple-making, drawing on examples from the book of Acts and personal anecdotes.
  • Joe Handley discusses the importance of a reproducible culture of discipleship in the Kingdom of God, drawing on the idea of the mustard seed and how small actions can have a big impact, and provides examples of how this can be implemented in different contexts such as micro churches.
  • This lesson provides information on small groups in discipleship, including their definition, anatomy, purpose, characteristics, steps for starting one, the role of the leader, the discipleship process in small groups, and their importance in discipleship in general.
  • Instructors Joe Handley and Mary Jo Wilson discuss with students their visions of the Kingdom of God, with one sharing their goal of sharing their story to help others understand the word of God, while another likens the planting of seeds to the growth of faith, stressing the importance of patience and trust in the process of nurturing them.
  • Joe Handley and Mary Jo Wilson discuss the importance of creating a practical plan for discipleship and ministry, encouraging listeners to reflect on what they've learned, and write a strategic personal plan for following through on their learning.
  • This lesson teaches how to pull together the different sections of a discipleship plan using the model of vision, intent and means, and suggests including a vision, introduction, conclusion and rule of life, while encouraging reflection and sharing with others.
  • Joe Handley discusses the importance of creating a "rule of life" as part of a personal discipleship plan, which helps to balance and organize different areas of life, including spiritual, social, intellectual, and physical aspects.
  • Joe Handley and Mary Jo Wilson close their discipleship course by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow together, and offer a prayer of blessing for their students to continue on their lifelong journey as faithful followers of Jesus.

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