
Spiritual Abuse

How to recognize spiritual abuse, important steps to take to recover and what you can do to walk with someone as they recover.
Number of lessons: 6
Total length: 2 hours
format: Video and Audio

About This Class

How to recognize spiritual abuse, important steps to take to recover and what you can do to walk with someone as they recover.


Recommended Reading:

The Skilled Helper, Timothy Egan

About the Professor

Gerry Breshears

Dr. Gerry Breshears is a professor of theology and program director of the Master of Applied Biblical Leadership degree. at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He accepted Christ as his personal savior when he was eight years old and after spending four years (during his high school and college years) intellectually skeptical of Christianity, he recommitted to being a disciple of Christ.
Gerry Breshears


  • Spiritual abuse exists when a person or group of people with religious authority use their position of spiritual power to control or dominate another person in the name of God, church faith, etc., taking advantage of the person’s vulnerability to gratify their own needs in areas like power, intimacy, prosperity, sexual gratification, etc.

  • It can be difficult to recognize spiritual abuse because you often don’t realize that it's happening. One sign of possible spiritual abuse is a change of personality in a negative direction. Many abusive situations will undermine and devalue family relationships of the members to exploit them and increase control over them in the group. They will emphasize church loyalty to the exclusion of family loyalty. 

  • When you are encouraging someone as a friend who has experience spiritual abuse, there are specific elements of your relationship that can be helpful.

  • When you are encouraging someone as a friend who has experienced spiritual abuse, there are 6 elements of your relationship that will be helpful to avoid. 

  • Untwist Scripture passages and model a healthy relationship.

  • Dr. Breshears responds to questions that are commonly asked about the subject of spiritual abuse.

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