Discover the Reasons Behind Jesus' Soaring Popularity!

Discover the Reasons Behind Jesus' Soaring Popularity!


The search for the name "Jesus" has reached unprecedented levels of popularity on Google Trends, show a growing interest in learning about Jesus Christ and his teachings. As believers and seekers alike look for reliable resources to deepen their understanding, BiblicalTraining.org provides a treasure trove of material on Jesus' life and teachings.

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Explore Jesus' Life and Teachings on BiblicalTraining.org

BiblicalTraining.org offers a wide range of courses and resources that explore the life and teachings of Jesus. The course "Life of Christ" by Dr. Darrell Bock provides an in-depth look at Jesus' life, ministry, and teachings. At the same time, "Historical Reliability of the Gospels" by Dr. Craig Blomberg focuses on the Gospel accounts of Jesus' life and their unique perspectives. These classes will help you understand Jesus' teachings and learn about his life within its rich historical and cultural framework. 

Discover Jesus' Key Messages

Jesus shared powerful teachings on love, forgiveness, and compassion throughout his life. His Sermon on the Mount, as discussed in "New Testament Survey: Gospels" by Dr. Robert Stein, presents core principles such as the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer. By studying these teachings, we can better understand Jesus and his message and how it applies to our lives today.

Understanding Jesus' Historical and Cultural Context

To truly appreciate Jesus' teachings, it's essential to understand the historical and cultural context in which he lived. BiblicalTraining.org's course "New Testament Introduction" by Dr. Ben Witherington III provides an in-depth look at the New Testament era's social, cultural, and historical settings. This knowledge will help us interpret Jesus' words and actions better, providing a more nuanced view of his teachings. 

Sharing the Journey with Friends

As we explore Jesus' life and teachings on BiblicalTraining.org, we can share our discoveries with friends and loved ones. Engaging in conversations about Jesus' teachings can deepen our understanding and help others on their spiritual journey.


Now is the time to join the global conversation about Jesus and his teachings. Share the journey with friends, and together, let's discover the life-changing power of Jesus' teachings.


BiblicalTraining is a crowd-funded 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. As a result, all our classes are available at no cost. Would you make a donation to help us continue to reach people around the world?


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Life of Christ

Darrell Bock
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Darrell Bock
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New Testament Survey: Gospels

Robert Stein
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Robert Stein
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The Historical Reliability of the Gospels

Craig Blomberg
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Craig Blomberg
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New Testament Introduction

Ben Witherington
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Ben Witherington