ZEDAD (zē'dăd, Heb. tsedhādhâh, a siding). A city located on the ideal northern boundary of Palestine (Num.34.8; Ezek.47.15).
ZEDAD ze’ dăd (צְדָֽדָה). A place on the N border of Pal. (Num 34:8; Ezek 47:15); prob. identical with Sadad, SE of Homs on the way from Riblah to Palmyra.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)
A town or district named in Nu 34:8; Eze 47:15 as on the ideal northern boundary of Israel. The uncertainty of the reading has led to two different identifications being proposed. The form "Zerad" was accepted by yon Kasteren, and his identification was Khirbet Serada in the Merj `Ayun, West of the Hasbany branch of the Jordan and North of `Abil. This identification, however, would compel us to draw the ideal boundary along the Qasmiyeh valley and thence eastward to Hermon, and that is much too far South If with Dillmann, Wetzstein, Muehlau and others we read "Zedad," then it is clearly identical with Sadad, a village on the road between Ribleh and Qaryetain. It has been objected that Sadad is too far to the East; but here, as in the tribal boundaries also, the references are rather to the district or lands possessed than to their central town or village.