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The Fundamentals

A series of twelve small books published from 1910 to 1915, containing articles and essays designed to defend fundamental Christian truths. Three million copies of the books were sent free to every theological student and Christian worker whose address was obtainable. The project arose in the thinking of Lyman Stewart, a wealthy oilman in Southern California, who was convinced that something was needed to reaffirm Christian truths in the face of biblical criticism and modern theology. After listening to A.C. Dixon* preach in 1909, Stewart secured Dixon's help in publishing The Fundamentals. Stewart then enlisted the financial support of his brother, Milton, and Dixon chose a committee, which included the evangelist R.A. Torrey,* to assist in the editorial work.

Sixty-four authors were eventually chosen. The American premillennial movement and the English Keswick Convention were well represented. Other conservatives such as E.Y. Mullins* of Southern Baptist Seminary and B.B. Warfield* of Princeton Seminary were also among the contributors.