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SECUNDUS (sē-kŭn'dŭs, Gr. Sekoundos, a name of Latin origin meaning second). A Thessalonian Christian, otherwise unknown, who with several others had preceded Paul to Troas (Acts.20.4). If he was one of the delegates entrusted with the collection, he probably accompanied Paul to Jerusalem (Acts.24.17; Rom.15.25-Rom.15.26; 2Cor.8.23).

SECUNDUS sī kŏŏn’ dəs (Σέκουνδος; Σεκου̂νδος, G4941, second). A Thessalonian Christian who with others accompanied Paul through Greece on his return to Syrian Antioch from his third missionary journey. If he was one of the delegates entrusted with the offerings of the churches to the Jewish Christians, he may have accompanied Paul to Jerusalem (Acts 20:4; Rom 15:25, 26; 2 Cor 8:23).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)

A Thessalonian who was among those who accompanied Paul from Greece to Asia (Ac 20:4). They had preceded Paul and waited for him at Troas. If he were one of the representatives of the churches in Macedonia and Greece, entrusted with their contributions to Jerusalem (Ac 24:17; 2Co 8:23), he probably accompanied Paul as far as Jerusalem. The name is found in a list of politarchs on a Thessalonian inscription.