Robert Murray McCheyne
1813-1843. Church of Scotland minister. Educated at Edinburgh University, he was moved by the death of an elder brother to seek “a brother who cannot die.” In 1836 he was ordained to the charge of St. Peter's, Dundee, where the fruitfulness of his ministry and his own spiritual growth were the outcome of a strict daily program of Bible study, prayer, meditation, visiting his people, and preparation of sermons-and all this despite frequent illness. His missionary interest involved a visit to Europe and Palestine in 1839 to study the possibility of a mission to the Jews-the beginning of a notable Church of Scotland work. Few ministers have so greatly influenced their own and succeeding generations in so short a life. He became known as a preacher throughout Scotland and even more widely known through Andrew Bonar's Memoir and Remains of Robert Murray McCheyne (1862). McCheyne's other writings include the moving hymn, “When this passing world is done.”