Peter The Fuller
d.488. Monophysite theologian. Reputedly a monk of the convent of the Acoemetae,* where he practiced the trade of fuller (so Alexander of Cyprus, sixth- century monk). Expelled for Monophysitism,* he eventually accompanied Zeno the Isaurian (emperor from 474) to Antioch. There he joined the Apollinarians* and, supported by Zeno, supplanted Martyrius as bishop during his absence in Constantinople (470). Gennadius of Constantinople, however, obtained from Emperor Leo a decree for Peter's exile, commuted later to imprisonment in the convent of the Acoemetae (471). Through Emperor Basiliscus he regained the see (475), only to be deposed again and interned with the Messalians* (477). By assenting to Zeno's Henoticon (482), he again-and finally-became patriarch of Antioch. At a council he induced his bishops to assent to the Henoticon. According to Theodore Lector, he introduced the recitation of the Nicene Creed* at the Eucharist, the solemn blessing of the chrism,* and the commemoration of the Theotokos at every service.
Peter is chiefly remembered for his addition of the words (here italicized) to the Trisagion, viz. “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, who wast crucified for us, have mercy upon us,” i.e., Theopaschitism.* The formula became a test of Monophysitism. Despite being a dogmatically objectionable innovation, it ultimately was tolerated as a barrier against Nestorianism.* Pope Hormisdas* regarded it as heretical, but his successor, John II, agreed with Justinian in sanctioning the statement “unim crucifixim esse ex sancta et consubstantiali Trinitate” (533), approved by the Council of Constantinople (553).
See W.H.C. Frend, The Rise of the Monophysite Movement (1972).