PATHRUSIM pə thrōō’ zĭm (פַּתְרֻסִ֞ים, an inhabitant of Pathros). The people of Pathros, in Upper Egypt. The word is found only in ethnographic lists of Genesis 10:14 and 1 Chronicles 1:12.
Article 2
path-roo’-sim, path-ru’-sim (pathruci, "an inhabitant of Pathros"; Septuagint hoi Patrosonieim): The branch of the Egyptians who came from PATHROS (which see). They are represented as begotten of Mizraim, "Mizraim begat Zudim. .... and Pathrusim" (Ge 10:13 f; 1Ch 1:11 f).
Article 3
people of Pathros. Pathros