OBAL (ō'băl). An early Arab, son of Joktan (Gen.10.28), called Ebal in the Hebrew and most versions of 1Chr.1.22 (jb, kjv, mlb, mof, nasb, neb, rsv; Obal niv).
OBAL. Alternate name of Ebal.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)
(`ebhal, "bare") or (`obhal):
(1) A people and region of Joktanite, Arabia. See Dillmann, Genesis, and Glaser, Skizze, II, 426. The latter form of the name is that given in Ge 10:28, the former in 1Ch 1:22 and in the Sam text of Ge 10:28.
(2) A son of Shobal, son of Seir, the Horite (Ge 36:23; 1Ch 1:40).
See Ebal, 1.