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NUN (nŭn, Heb. nûn). A man of Ephraim and the father of Joshua (Exod.33.11; Neh.8.17). His descent is given in 1Chr.7.25-1Chr.7.27.

The term for a woman who has professed vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience-precisely applied only to women living in strictly cloistered communities, and less accurately used for religious women engaged in service in the world, properly termed “sisters.” The three great monastic leaders, Pachomius, Basil, and Benedict, each established a foundation for women under his sister, and Augustine prepared an influential letter of direction for a community of women. The rigorous seclusion of religious women imposed by the Eastern Church had no counterpart in the West until the bull Periculoso of Boniface VIII, confirmed at the Council of Trent. By its terms, nuns may neither leave their cloisters nor receive outsiders, including females.

NUN nun (ן). The fourteenth letter of the Heb. alphabet. In the KJV the letter is placed at the beginning of the fourteenth part of Psalm 119, and each verse of this section of the psalm begins with this letter.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)

The 14th letter of the Hebrew alphabet; transliterated in this Encyclopedia as "n". It came also to be used for the number 50.

See Alphabet, for name, etc.

Father of Joshua (referred to thus 29 t) (Ex 33:11; Nu 11:28, etc.; 1Ch 7:27, margin "Non"; Sirach 46:1, margin "Nave").