MUTHLABBEN (mŭth'lăb'ĕn). An expression of uncertain meaning, occurring only in the title of Ps.9.1-Ps.9.20 (kjv, mlb, nasb, rsv). Probably it indicates the name of the tune (niv; cf. Christian hymnals) or the instruments of accompaniment (jb) to which the psalm was sung.
Article 2
Occurring only in the title of Psalm 9. Some interpret the words as meaning “on the death of Labben,” some unknown person. Others render the word, “on the death of the son;” i.e., of Absalom (2 Sam. 18:33). Others again have taken the word as the name of a musical instrument, or as the name of an air to which the psalm was sung.
Article 3
“To the chief musician upon Muth-labben” is the title of (Psalms 9:1) which has given rise to infinite conjecture. It may be either upon the death (muth) of the fool (labben), as an anagram on Nabal or as Gesenius, “to be chanted by boys with virgins’ voices,” i.e. in the soprano.