MISHAL (mī’shăl, Heb. mish’āl). A Levitical city (Gershonite) in the tribe of Asher (Josh.21.30), called also “Misheal” (Josh.19.26 kjv) and “Mashal” (1Chr.6.74).
MISHAL mī’ shəl (מִשְׁאָ֑ל). A town in the territory of Asher (Josh 19:26 KJV MISHEAL); given to the Gershonite Levites (Josh 21:30; called MASHAL in the parallel passage, 1 Chron 6:74). The site is unknown.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)
A town in the territory of Asher (Jos 19:26, the King James Version "Misheal," Maasa), assigned to the Gershonite Levites (Jos 21:30; Codex Vaticanus Bassellan; Codex Alexandrinus Masaal equals "Mashal" of 1Ch 6:74). Eusebius, Onomasticon (s.v. "Masan") places it near Carmel by the sea. It is not identified.