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MANAHATH (măn'a-hăth, Heb. mānahath, resting place)

An Edomite, the son of Shobal (Gen.36.23; 1Chr.1.40).A town in Edom, site unknown (1Chr.8.6).

MANAHATH, MANAHATHITES măn’ ə hăth, măn’ ə hăth’ īts (מָנַ֖חַת Mānaḥāt, LXX Μαναχαθί Μανουαθ, Μαν(ν, G3708) αχαθ, Μανάθ, a resting place, settlement). The name of an Edomite ancestor and of an unknown site (town). 1. Manahath with one of the sons of Shobal (Gen 36:23 [1 Chron 1:40]) a Horite (Hurrian) chieftain (1 Chron 2:50), who lived in the land of Edom; a descendant of Seir the Horite who also bequeathed his name to part of the land of Edom (Mount Seir).

2. Manahath was a city to which certain sons of Ehud, described as inhabitants of Geba, were carried into captivity (1 Chron 8:6). The site of this city is unknown. 1 Chronicles 2:54 names half of the Manahathites as descended from Salma the brother of the above mentioned Shobal (cf. vv. 50 and 51). Half of the inhabitants may have been from one brother and half from the other

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)

(manachath; Machanathi):

(1) A place to which certain Benjamites, victims, apparently, of intra-tribal jealousy, were carried captive (1Ch 8:6). Of this town the Manahathites were probably natives. It is possibly denoted by Manocho which Septuagint adds to the list of towns in Judah (Jos 15:59). This place is named along with Bether (Bittir). The name seems to be preserved in that of Malicha, a large village not far from Bittir, Southwest of Jerusalem. The change of "l" to "n", and vice versa, is not uncommon. The same place may be intended by Menuhah (Jud 20:43 the Revised Version margin), where the King James Version reads "with ease," and the Revised Version (British and American) "at their resting-place."

(2) One of the sons of Shobal, the son of Seir the Horite (Ge 36:23; 1Ch 1:40), the "name-father" of one of the ancient tribes in Mt. Seir, afterward subdued and incorporated in Edom.