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See also Jesus Christ

JESUS je’ zəs (̓Ιησου̂ς, G2652, Gr. form of Heb. יְהוֹשׁ֣וּעַ [Joshua], salvation of Yahweh).

1. Grandfather of Jesus son of Sirach (Prologue to Ecclesiasticus).

2. Son of Sirach; author of Eccesiasticus. See Son of Sirach.

3. Jesus Christ. See Jesus Christ.

4. Jesus Barabas. See Barabbas.

5. Jesus Justus. Co-worker with Paul (Col 4:11), named as joining in the sending of greetings to the Colossian church. “Jesus who is called Justus” is mentioned with Aristarchus and Mark as being “the only men of the circumcision among my fellow workers for the kingdom of God.” The remark indicates that during Paul’s first Rom. imprisonment, almost all of the Jewish Christians at Rome failed to cooperate with Paul in the work of the Gospel. These three Jewish co-workers had “been a comfort” to Paul. Nothing further is known of this appreciated associate of Paul.

6. KJV Apoc. alternate form of Jeshua.

7. KJV form for Joshua (Acts 7:45; Heb 4:8). See JOSHUA, SON OF NUN.

8. Ancestor of Jesus Christ (Luke 3:29 ASV; RSV; KJV, “Jose”).

JESUS, JUSTUS (̓Ιησου̂ς, G2652, for Heb. Joshua, Jehovah is salvation; ̓Ιου̂στος, G2688, a Lat. name meaning just, righteous). Jesus surnamed Justus, mentioned only in Colossians 4:11, was a Jew converted to Christianity. A double name was common among Jews and proselytes (cf. DeissBS, pp. 315, 316) and prob. the appellation Justus denoted obedience and devotion to the law. During Paul’s imprisonment at Rome Justus, along with Aristarchus and Barnabas, was a co-worker who offered comfort to Paul.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)

(Iesous, for yehoshua`):

(1) Joshua, son of Nun (the King James Version Ac 7:45; Heb 4:8; compare 1 Macc 2:55; 2 Esdras 7:37).

(2) (3) High priest and Levite.

See Jeshua, 2, 5.

(4) Son of Sirach.


(5) An ancestor of Jesus (Lu 3:29, the King James Version "Jose").

(6) (7) See the next three articles.