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HELI (hē'lī, Heb. ‘ēlî). The father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, in the genealogy of Jesus in Luke.3.23. According to another view, he is the father of Mary, the mother of Jesus, a view that is reached by punctuating the Greek differently. See also Genealogy of Jesus Christ.

HELI he’ lī (̔Ηλεί, עֵלִי). 1. The father of Joseph in the genealogy of Jesus (Luke 3:23).

2. An ancestor of Ezra (2 Esd 1:2, RSV Eli).

3. The Douay VSS form of Eli.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)

(Helei for `eli):

(1) The father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, in Luke’s account of the genealogy of Jesus (Lu 3:23).

(2) An ancestor of Ezra (2 Esdras 1:2).