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Eugene Bersier

1831-1889. Swiss pastor. He was a leader of the schismatic Free Reformed Church between 1855 and 1877, when he persuaded his congregation to rejoin the larger Reformed Church. His theological studies at Geneva, Göttingen, and Halle were followed by a ministry in the Paris churches of Faubourg St. Antoine (1855-61), Taitbout (1861-74), and the étoile (1874-77). Bersier's published sermons were popular in France and abroad. The Gospel in Paris: Sermons (1884) and a liturgy (1874) used in the Reformed Church both had a wide vogue. He also wrote the authoritative Histoire du synode de 1872 (2 vols., 1872), Coligny, the Earlier Life of the Great Huguenot (1884), and other historical works.