Cornelius Otto Jansen
1585-1638. Roman Catholic bishop of Ypres (1636). He studied at Louvain and Paris, where he met Jean Duvergier de Hauranne, later abbot of Saint-Cyran. At Bayonne and Champre (1612-17) in the company of Saint-Cyran, Jansen immersed himself in the writings of Augustine. Against the Jesuits and the theologians of the Counter-Reformation,* Jansen and Saint-Cyran wished to reshape Catholicism with the teaching of Augustine and defeat Protestantism with its own weapons. Jansen became the director of a college at Louvain (1617), a public opponent of the Jesuits (Madrid, 1626-27), and eventually bishop of Ypres. His masterpiece was the Augustinus of the Doctrine of St. Augustine on the Health, the Sickness and the Cure of Human Nature: against the Pelagians and those of Marseilles (1640). This treatise was condemned as heretical by the Sorbonne in 1649 and by Innocent X in 1653.
See Jansenism.