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Confession of 1967

As part of the merger of the United Presbyterian Church of North America and the Presbyterian Church in the USA, in May 1958 a special committee was appointed with Edward A. Dowey, Jr. of Princeton Seminary as chairman. Though the proposed confession with its Book of Confessions, including eight historic creeds and confessions, aroused some opposition after being published in 1965, it was approved in May 1967 with only 19 of 133 presbyteries against.

The Confession starts with the biblical idea of 2 Corinthians 5, God's reconciling work in Jesus Christ. It places a heavy stress on the true humanity of Jesus, “a Palestinian Jew.” On the doctrine of Scripture “the confession carefully avoids saying either that Scripture `is' God's word or that Scripture `is' unique and authoritative as such in its own right” (Dowey). Its statement on reconciliation in society includes exhortations for the church to act in international conflicts, pleading for a search for peace “even at risk to national security”; about sex; about racial discrimination and poverty. The original committee included Arnold Come, Addison Leitch, David H.C. Read, John MacKay, John Wick Bowman, Leonard Trinterud, G. Ernest Wright, and Samuel Thompson.

See E.A. Dowey, Jr., A Commentary on the Confession of 1967 (1968).