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B. B. Warfield

1851-1921. American Presbyterian scholar. Born near Lexington, Kentucky, into an old American family, he prepared for college by private study, then took his Arts degrees at Princeton (1871, 1874). He traveled in Europe for a year, then became an editor of the Farmer's Home Journal. Later he trained for the ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary, studied at the University of Leipzig (1876-77), and became assistant minister at the First Presbyterian Church of Baltimore. In 1878 he became instructor of NT language and literature in Western Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, holding the rank of professor from 1879 to 1887. In the latter year he became professor of didactic and polemical theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he succeeded A.A. Hodge.*

Warfield published a score of books on theological and biblical subjects, in addition to numerous pamphlets and addresses. An accomplished linguist of Hebrew, Greek, and modern tongues, he was at home in patristics, theology, and NT criticism. He was a committed Calvinist with a high regard for the Westminster Confession of Faith.* He held dogmatically to an inerrant Scripture, original sin, predestination, and a limited atonement. Among his writings are An Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, the Lord of Glory, the Plan of Salvation, the Acts and Pastoral Epistles, and Counterfeit Miracles. After his death, collections of his articles were published in book form, entitled Revelation and Inspiration, Studies in Tertullian and Augustine, Calvin and Calvinism, the Westminster Assembly and Its Works, and Perfectionism (2 vols.). He fought a running battle with C.A. Briggs* and H.P. Smith* over biblical inerrancy, which he and Charles Hodge* defended vigorously. Some of Warfield's articles appeared in the Presbyterian and Reformed Review and in its successor, the Princeton Theological Review, both of which he edited. Perhaps no theologian of that age is as widely read and has had his books kept in print so long as Warfield.