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Amy Wilson Carmichael

1867-1951. Missionary to India. Adopted daughter of Robert Wilson, chairman of the Keswick Convention, she worked in Japan for a time with Barclay Buxton. After a breakdown in health she served with the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society in South India, where she was a colleague of Thomas Walker* of Tinnevelly. In 1903 she wrote Things as They Are, a moving account of stark realism which influenced many towards missionary work. In 1901 the Dohnavur Fellowship began, with the purpose of rescuing children devoted to temple service with all its attendant corruption. It was part of the CEZMS until it became independent in 1926. After a fall in 1931, she was crippled by arthritis, but remained at the center of the life of the Fellowship, writing many devotional books and poems which were marked by an intense, almost mystical, spirituality.