Alexander of Lycopolis
nile Valley. Third-century writer of an anti-Manichaean tract entitled “of Alexander of Lycopolis who turned from pagans against the opinions of Mani.” One interpretation is that he turned from paganism to Christ. The tract favors Christian orthodoxy against Manichaeism* for its practical concern to make mankind virtuous and for its plausible interpretation of the Crucifixion. According to Photius, Alexandria gained archieratic (episcopal?) rights. On another interpretation (e.g., Brinkmann), Alexander was pagan. After sketching the Manichaean system he criticizes it from the standpoint of Greek philosophy; his admiration of Christianity simply highlights the defects of Manichaeism. Alexander received information from acquaintances of Mani, who died in 272. A date for the tract about 275 seems appropriate.