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ADORAM. Alternate form of Adoniram.


The Israelites found this forced labor very distasteful, and when Rehoboam refused to relax this policy, the northern tribes split from Judah and Benjamin (1 Kings 12:1-16 and 2 Chron 10:1-11). In an esp. stupid move, Rehoboam sent the arch symbol of this hated corvee, Adoram, and the people promptly stoned him to death (1 Kings 12:18; 2 Chron 10:18).

Bibliography I. Mendelsohn, “Samuel’s Denunciation of Kingship in the light of the Akkadian Documents from Ugarit,” BASOR, 143 (1956), 17-22.

ADONIRAM (ăd-ō-nī'răm, Heb. ’ădhōnîrām, my Lord is exalted). He first appears by the name Adoram as an officer of David “in charge of forced labor” (2Sam.20.24). He held the same office under Solomon (1Kgs.4.6). Rehoboam sent him on a mission of some kind to the now rebel tribes of Israel (1Kgs.12.18) who stoned him to death. Another variant of his name, Hadoram, appears in the NIV footnote to 2Chr.10.18.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)

An official of Solomon (1Ki 4:6; 5:14). Near the close of the reign of David, and at the opening of the reign of Rehoboam, the same office was held by Adoram (2Sa 20:24; 1Ki 12:18).

It was not for the temple only, but for all Solomon’s numerous building enterprises. In theory men of Israelite blood were free from this burden, but practically they found it a burden and a grievance. At the accession of Rehoboam they protested against it (1Ki 12; 2Ch 10). Nothing in the account is more indicative of Rehoboam’s utter lack of good judgment than his sending his veteran superintendent of the forced labor department to confer with the people. The murder of Adoniram, and the ignominious flight of Rehoboam, were natural consequences.

See also

  • Adoniram