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ADMINISTER, ADMINISTRATION (διακονέω, διακονία). Words used in the KJV in 1 Corinthians 12:5; 2 Corinthians 8:19, 20; 9:12; the ASV has “minister” and “ministration” instead. The root idea of the words is “service”; hence the words refer to the various kinds of spiritual and social service to which the Lord calls His people in the Church. The RSV uses “service” in the first and third passages.

ad-min-is-tra’-shun diakoneo, diakonia: Terms used in the King James Version in 1Co 12:5; 2Co 8:19,20; 2Co 9:12 respectively, and replaced in the Revised Version (British and American) by "minister" and "ministration." The root idea of both words is "service," hence to supply, or conduct or attend to anything; the performance of official duty, the conduct of affairs, the various forms of spiritual or social service. "Minister," used either of an act or of an office, is the term that best represents the apostolic thought and ideal.

Dwight M. Pratt