Listen to the Land (Biblical Geography) - Lesson 10
Jerusalem in the First Century
By the beginning of the first century, Jerusalem was the site of a magnificent Jewish temple built by Herod the great. He also built an impressive palace and a Roman fort which overlooked the temple. The events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus take on added layers of meaning when you understand how the geography of the events reminded people of Messianic prophecies.
Jerusalem in the First Century
I. Herod the Great
A. The temple
B. Herod's palace
II. Context of First Century Jerusalem
A. Wealthy people
B. Public miqveh near the temple
C. Antonia Fortress
III. Passion Narrative
Dr. Cyndi Parker
Listen to the Land (Historical Geography)
Jerusalem in the First Century
Lesson Transcript
Okay. So we're still in Jerusalem with all the same geography, but we're moving into a different time period. Now, what is interesting and we could spend an entire course, we could do an entire course just on Jerusalem itself, going through all the different historical stories that happened here. And so, again, just in our geographical historian mindset, we have to just think of this area being really full of Israelite stories, and this city is going to hold on to all of that and preserve all of that. So we have to remember that there's no mediocre interaction with Jerusalem because Jerusalem comes I mean, from David on up, all of these stories, so much history, the temple that is here, the spirit of God that is here, everything is significant. And we're going to take that with us into a new time frame. So this is first century Jerusalem. And as I said, that the city expanded and contracted between the Kidron and the Benham valleys. By the first century, the city had expanded and covered all of the eastern hill, all of the western hills, so it was all the way between these two valleys. It had also somewhat expanded to the north, quite a bit further north than it had been before. We're going to jump into this time period, really focusing on Herod the Great. We met him down at Masada, transforming all of the land because he also transformed the land up here as well. He took the eastern hill, which is very narrow. He took the northern part of the eastern hill where the temple was. So Solomon's temple was here. It was destroyed when the people came back from exile with Ezra Nehemiah, they're rebuilding the temple.
[00:02:06] They rebuilt another temple here, smaller than not nearly as significant as Solomon's temple, not nearly as fancy. That temple gets refurbished during the Hasmonean time period. So there has unions were about a century worth of time when the Jews were independent from the Greeks. And so we don't have anyone acting as an overlord over the Jews at that time, and they refurbished the temple and made it better. It is Herod the Great though, who in kind of a trade and exchange with the Jews, because the Jews understood him to be only partially Jewish and not really Jewish, and he needed to rule over the top of them. So he was like, Hey, how about if I expand your temple and make it even grander than what you remember? And so there was a massive, really huge building project where they take this narrow part of the hill and made it flat and expanded it. This platform on which the temple was built was known in the ancient world as one of those places you have to see before you die. Yeah. Times magazine is like, you know, the the 50 greatest natural wonders or you have to go see this. Well, in the ancient world, they had similar type reports. And people would say it's astounding because the Roman world, the Greco-Roman world was known for having platforms. It's just they often put multiple temples on them, so you would get different gods represented. But in Jerusalem there was a very large platform and there was only one temple. And people used to say, You have to go see Herod's temple in Jerusalem. It's amazing. Even more astounding, there's no statues anywhere. And and the ancient world just thought this was absolutely remarkable, something that you had to go try to see.
[00:04:05] So this eastern hill becomes quite larger than it it naturally was. And then Herod builds his own palace way over here on the western hill. Now, on this map, it looks like this is more elevated. It's larger in space, but the eastern hill is lower than the western hill. So Herod's palace, which sits opposite the temple, is actually more elevated than the temple, which could be just a matter of geography, maybe. But it parallels Herod's ego, where Herod was always trying to set himself up as the biggest, the best, the most glorious builder the world had ever known. So if we were, there's a great model in the city of Jerusalem that you can go visit. And so these images come from that model. It's not exactly accurate, but it's really close. And so as we look on this model, this is giving us a bird's eye view of what approaching Jerusalem would have been like, especially if we were standing on the Mount of Olives. So the our perspective, we're obviously looking down onto the city because the Mount of Olives is higher. And so you come over and the first thing that captures your attention is the Temple Mount. It's big. It's beautiful. It dominates the landscape for sure. And you can see the like heading off this way. This would be south. We would be looking west towards the city. Up here would be Herod's palace, like in this oblong area up here. And then the city walls that went around the city of Jerusalem. Let's talk just a little bit and get to know the context of first century Jerusalem, who lived there and what was the economy like. This is actually a lot more complex and complicated than we really have time to go through in a geography course.
[00:06:08] So I would highly recommend that you pick up a good book that talks about the history, the complexity of Jerusalem. Or pick up my new book, Encountering Jesus in the Real World of the Gospels, because I go through this in quite a bit of detail. Okay. So again, looking at the model of Jerusalem and we've switched our perspective a bit, so we're looking north from the south. So the Mount of Olives is over here, right? So this gives us just a little fuller look of the eastern hill, which is here, the dramatic slope up to the western hill, which is here with Herod's palace that is over on the far western side, looking down onto the Cynon Valley. Okay. So we have found through archeological evidence, we can tell the economic status of the wide variety of people who lived in Jerusalem. Well, where did the rich live? So we should talk about that first. Where were the wealthy people? Was there a wealthy, like, gated community, that type of idea in Jerusalem? Sure enough. Yes, there is. Sure enough. The wealthiest of the people were the S'agissait class. The Sadducees were connected with the temple. But if we again go through our history, the development and transformation of Judaism up to the time of first century, the Sadducees were highly connected politically. It may not then surprise us all that much that they would put their palatial homes close to where Herod was. So you have the big palace looking out towards the west, and then everyone around him is going to make sure they're very connected to him. We find a similarity in goals politically. Now, how do we know those were priestly homes? Why didn't they belong to Roman soldiers or or wealthy Roman people? How do we know that they were Jews? And how do we know that they were probably sadnesses? Well, when we excavated these huge we again, when archeologists excavated these huge palatial homes, we found what are called a mikvah inside the homes.
[00:08:27] So what is a mikvah? A mikvah is a place where you do a ritual cleansing baths, so it's not a bathtub. These homes also had bathtubs, which is remarkable because this was long before people really started taking baths. Only the wealthy of the wealthy took baths, plus were in an area thirsty for water. But you have to be a very wealthy family to be able to collect water for a bathtub. Right. So we have a few bathtubs in these homes. The homes are decorated with frescoes that mirror the type of style that we see in Pompeii. So Pompeii, you know, the city that was destroyed, it set the standard, the trends, the fashionable trends of building. And we see the wealthy in Jerusalem trying to be like that. Okay. So they're mimicking Pompeii, but how do we know, again, that they were priests? Well, those mikvah are a mikvah, but these ritual cleansing baths were in every single one of the homes, sometimes multiple mikvah in the homes. So in their basements, where they, in the privacy of their own home, can do the ritual cleansing baths that was preparing them ritually to then go over to the temple. Now, we also, based on the writings of Josephus and some archeological evidence, we know there was a bridge because of the differentiations of the heights of the hills. Well, if you're really wealthy and if you're really concerned about purity, you don't want to walk around that with the masses down into the Central Valley, up again to the temple. Oh, no, no, no. You build a bridge so that you can just go straight from the western hill directly over into the temple, and you're somewhat set apart from the masses. I have all kinds of tour groups that really wish that bridge still existed.
[00:10:26] As we hike through the city of Jerusalem. Okay. So the priestly homes are these very wealthy, palatial homes. All seem to be here very close to Herod's palace. We have another neighborhood that is dripping down the western hill. The homes were also like significant homes, but not the wealthiest of wealthy homes. And they were a lot more compact and built really close together. We can find some of the roads and some of the stairs that went up the roads. But again, we're looking at the common masses of people living through here, maybe also on the north side of the city, the wealthy here on the western hill, Herod's palace and the temple over on the eastern hill. Okay. Now, let's say none of us belong to a priestly family. And so we do not have the mikvah, but that are in our own homes. But we have to go through the process of a ritual bath before we can ascend up to the temple and stand in the fiery holiness of God's presence. So what do we do? Well, all around the Temple Mount, we have evidence of hundreds of mikvah aught. So most likely, like if we were all pilgrims and we were coming to Jerusalem, let's say for Passover or one of the pilgrimage festivals, and we've come a very long distance, we would maybe come and there's a significant road, big, huge, massive road that ran right along the Temple Mount. So where all the shops were, so we could go and exchange our coins and we could buy our sacrifices and we could get ready for everything that we need to do. And then we would pay a fee and we would go into the mikvah, and then we would do the ritual cleansing baths so that our hearts were pure, symbolically, as we then ascended up to the temple.
[00:12:31] Okay. Now, what if we're even poorer than that? What if. What if you're someone who's blind or lame? You have a physical disfigurement, you've been pushed to the outskirts of society. You don't quite belong. You are begging for alms, which means you don't really have anything extra. Which is going through the process of a mikvah would be really challenging, and more often than not, you're not even able to pay the temple tax that you have to pay to go into the temple. So what do you do? Well, on the outskirts of the city, there's only two that I have pictured here, but there were really three. We have these huge pools now. They're not recreational pools, but they're pools that served as water collection places. So again, just knowing this city is thirsty, there's only one spring that needs to service everyone. So these water collection pools were essential for gathering water in the rainy season, and then it became a resource for the entire community. People could then go, or if you have sheep that you're bringing into the city, you could stop at the pool and water your sheep from the pool. And what we find is the poor often congregated around the pools, archeologically based on the way the pools are shaped. There's been quite a convincing argument that these pools were probably also used as a mikvah by the poorest of the poor. They may not then be able to pay the tax to go into the temple, but they can somewhat kind of a little bit participate in what was going on in the community. Now, when we think of first century Jerusalem, Jesus isn't there all the time. He tends to be there for festivals. He spends most of his time up north in Galilee.
[00:14:22] But when he is in Jerusalem, if we were to just map out where are the different miracles, where the different conversations, where is it that we find Jesus most of the time? At the temple a lot, holding conversations and debates. When he is here, if you pay attention what kind of conversations he's having, he's having very intricate theological debates with Sadducees and Pharisees. But we also find him all the time. We're the poorest of the poor around these pools, the blind man, where he puts money on his eyes and it goes goes to go to the poor slum, go rinse off the lame man who's up here at the pools of Bethesda. Do you really want to be healed? Do you understand how it's going to change your life? RAY And all the time he then tells them, Now go to the temple. There's something about restoring the people from the outskirts of society, bringing them all the way in, and then saying, You know what? You also get access to God and God's presence. And it's really, really beautiful. Okay. So we've we've covered this little bit. I want to just, again, put it on the map, but we're going to take another view of the model of city where Herod's palace is and the temple we already covered, who has access to the temple from this model, we're again going to say, okay, Herod's palace over here, the religious elite being right there as well. And now I'm going to point out on the northern corner of the Temple Mount is where we had the Antonia fortress. So Herod had this built because, well, the temple is quite a contentious area. You know, just think. Just think for a moment. If we are Jewish pilgrims and we go to the city, we're going to the city as pilgrims for religious holidays.
[00:16:18] Right. What is it? Those religious holidays always remind you of what God has done in the life of his people. And here in the first century, Rome is in charge. And every time Jews come to the temple, they're always remembering, oh, you know, God is in charge. And there were always like friction over, we should be free. God is going to restore as we don't fully know what that looks like, but we're anticipating that. And so when Rome is in charge and by the time of Jesus, Rome has only been there about 60 years. So their parents remember being free and not being under Roman control. So because everything is a bit contentious here, it builds the Antonia fortress and then stockpiles a whole bunch of Roman soldiers there. And they can look down onto the Temple Mount and just make sure no one's getting out of hand. So there's so many different stories and it kind of kills me that we're not going through all of them. But I do want to take this view of entering from over the Mount of Olives into the city. And I want to talk just briefly primarily about the geography related to the passion narrative. So Jesus coming into the city for the last time and before we really map where different events happened, I do want to set the stage a little bit with everything that I've just said about the history. But we're also going to think of what time of year is it when Jesus comes in, when he's about to die? He's traveling as a pilgrim to Jerusalem. During what time of year? It's Passover. So during Passover, we are all collectively remembering what? God and Pharaoh went head to head. God wins over the great and mighty world dominating Empire.
[00:18:13] And God brings his people out so that they can worship Him in the right way. Passover. So let's just say you're a Roman soldier during Passover, when the population of the city swells, you know, they have to be rolling their eyes. Oh, no. Everyone is remembering our God is greater then the world dominating empire that controlled them during the first century. That was Rome. Now, interestingly enough, about 100 years earlier. Not quite, but about 100 years earlier, when the Greeks were in control of the city of Jerusalem, there was a revolt that happened and Jews were able to money and family was able to come in and claim independence from the Greeks. That looked like this is where we were going to get the festival of Hanukkah is out of this particular military victory. The temple had been desecrated, but they had enough oil left. God miraculously multiplies the oils that they're able to rededicate the temple, hence the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah. But the people, when you read the narrative of what happened at that time, people are celebrating. They're waving palm branches around. They're saying God saved us. God has redeemed us right from the hand of the enemy. And so it's then interesting to think of Jesus coming in to the city of Jerusalem for the last time. Let's think of the layers that are here. One we already did. David left weeping, but he came back through the wilderness, rejoicing. Ezekiel looks at the Spirit of God leaving to the east and the rejoicing of the spirit of God coming back. And then Jesus now is fulfilling all of this prophecy coming up from Jericho through the wilderness, over the Mount of Olives. And what happens when he gets there? He tells his disciples, Go find a cult and I'm going to ride in on a cult, on a donkey.
[00:20:28] Which is interesting because in the ancient Near East, if you rode into a city on a donkey, you were already king. If you rode into the city on a horse, which seems more majestic to us, but a horse is always a war animal. So if you're riding in on a horse, you're declaring war on the city. If you ride in on a donkey, you already have the city. So it's quite a majestic scene. It's a very kingly scene of Jesus coming in. Now, depending on which gospel you're reading, the gospel of Matthew has the people shouting, Hosanna, Hosanna! Which means God save us. And they're waving palm branches and singing songs for those who have ears to hear. It sounds a lot like when the houses unions were able to free the people from the Greeks and re cleanse and rededicate the temple. So let's again find ourselves here in the Antonia fortress, looking towards the east, towards the Mount of Olives, when this guy, Jesus, who has quite a bit of popularity among the crowds, comes in to celebrate Passover in the city, and the crowds of people are shouting, God save us, and everyone knows God is going to save them from the Romans. Right. We're looking for another ruler. We're looking for another king. And if you're standing in the Antonia fortress looking toward that way, you're going, Oh, now this is going to be trouble. We have to keep our eye on him all week long. If you are in the elite houses of the Sadducees who have very strong political connections and you're looking towards the Mount of Olives, where the crowds of people are bringing in someone that they want to be the Messiah, you, too, are looking at them going, Oh, no, no, no, no.
[00:22:17] Because if that guy is successful, we lose our positions and the strength of Rome is going to squash us. So they too are going to look at what Jesus is doing and say, This is not cool. We don't like this. This sets up quite this difficult, kind of tense week that Jesus spends in the city of Jerusalem. And when you read the Gospels, you should read read it with that anticipation of, oh, you know, it's like they're intricate debates that are going on the whole entire week. Well, we get to the end of the week and Jesus celebrates The Last Supper with his disciples. We don't actually know where that house was. There is a home that or a place that people go to to remember the event. But we don't we don't have any very precise archeological data to tell us for sure. But I'm just going to put it somewhere over on the Western Hill, just kind of following tradition, but say we don't know. When they're done celebrating the Last Supper, they leave and they go, as was their custom to the Mount of Olives. And I almost wonder if the disciples didn't think that they were going back to Mary Martha's house. They live at the top of the Mount of Olives, on the wilderness facing side. Every time Jesus and the disciples were in Jerusalem, they often stayed with Mary and Martha and the whole entire week that Jesus is in Jerusalem. We watch him walk down the Mount of Olives into the city and then leave later, and he's constantly doing this. So I must wonder, the disciples were going, This is like we're heading back, as is natural. So we get the pause in the Garden of Gethsemane, which in and of itself is a massively, incredibly crafted, beautiful theological moment.
[00:24:08] But then we get the soldiers that come, and the soldiers then are going to take them to Caiaphas house or to the priest's house. Well, where did the priest live? In the vicinity of Herod's Palace. So there's something of an illegal trial that is going on as the high priest and other very elite members of the religious community are there debating what are we going to do with this guy who's in the city that the crowds of people love? And so ultimately they go, you know, we don't have nearly as much power as pilot has. Let's send him to pilot. And if we frame him as someone who's going up against Rome, pilot will have the decision to kill Jesus. So they send him to pilot. Now, pilot would have been staying in Herod's palace. Herod has long since died. Pilot is now in charge geographically. This whole entire area. Pilot would have been staying in that palace. They sent him from the elite neighborhood, just basically across the street to the palace. Pilot goes, Oh, this looks messy. And you know what? Herod Antipas, who is the ruler of Galilee, where Jesus spends most of his time, Herod Antipas is happens to be in town to celebrate the Passover. I'll send Jesus to Herod. Well, Herod's palace was not that far away. It's in the palatial area where the priests are go. And Herod Antipas is very quick to go. No, no, no. Jesus doesn't spend any time with him. Sent right back to. To see pilot. And then this is where pilot who is known. Well, he has quite the reputation of always trying to like poke at the Jews. Even the ruling party did not like them, so he didn't actually want to give them what they wanted.
[00:25:58] But he also needed to make sure that Rome would not ever have a chance to blame him for an insurrection. So he is finally convinced, okay, we're going to kill Jesus. And so they take Jesus right from the palace, out through the gate, right outside the walls of the city. And they crucify him. Now, why do I spend all this time looking at the geography? Part of this is because I've heard. So many people say, why is it that the crowds of people who who escorted Jesus into the city are the crowds of people who turn on him and call for his death later on? And this is when I say, well, let's look at the geography and think about what neighborhood we're in. The crowds of people are in the city because everyone's coming into the city. Everyone can see Jesus when he's approaching the city. But when Jesus is being put on trial and people are calling for his death, what neighborhood is he in? It's a very politically connected, very small neighborhood. Yes, there's a lot of activity. But the people who live over here on the Hill, do they know what's going on? It's happening at night. Most of it it's happening behind closed gates in inner courtyards. People don't necessarily know what's going on until they wake up. And it's not that the crowds of people called for Jesus's death. It's a crowd, a specialized crowd called for Jesus, his death. But the crowds of people who ushered Jesus in are the same ones who had their vision crushed. When they wake up and they see that the guy they hoped would save them is actually on a Roman cross outside of the city. This is just another one of those instances where I'm like, we have to keep mapping things on to the ground because it tells us things that other people would have known intuitively as they read this story.
[00:27:57] How big of an area are we talking about here? Well, it's two miles to run all the way around the modern day old city wall, which is going valley to valley. It's small like you can you can cover the whole entire territory multiple times throughout a day. If your legs don't give out on you. Yeah. So it's quite small. So then when you go in between neighborhoods, even this, I mean this only takes like 2 minutes to walk from here to here. And I walk this with groups. I make them go back and forth and forth, back and forth, back and forth to here. And then you go, Ah, now I see. Now I see in a whole different way. Okay. I hate to leave Jerusalem. But alas, we shall leave Jerusalem and continue looking at other areas of Benjamin's territory. It's just Jerusalem is the southernmost bit of Benjamin's territory, as we are going to remind ourselves that Henham Valley is separating us. Judah. The Tribe of Judah to the Tribe of Benjamin.
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