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Christmas Letters - A CEO Shares His Heart (From My Heart to Yours)

Christmas Letters - A CEO Shares His Heart (From My Heart to Yours)

I love Christmas, and it becomes really special when celebrated with family and friends. Christmas provides for us the perfect opportunity to share our faith in the workplace in a non-religious way. Beginning in 1974, we began the practice of sending Christmas Letters to all of our customers, vendors, co-workers, competitors, friends and family. Most of these were writtenI love Christmas, and it becomes really special when celebrated with family and friends. Christmas provides for us the perfect opportunity to share our faith in the workplace in a non-religious way. Beginning in 1974, we began the practice of sending Christmas Letters to all of our customers, vendors, co-workers, competitors, friends and family. Most of these were written while I was the CEO of a distribution firm ( Jacks Merchandising), which had employees scattered out over forty cities in thirty states. Starting in 2002, I led a ministry to Christian business owners and executives (FCCI / Christ@Work) and sent a Christmas letter to each of them. Some of these business leaders even asked permission to copy and adapt the letter to send to their co-workers and customers. In the 1990’s, we hired Patricia. At Christmas time I asked her to help us with the Christmas letter. She said that she was familiar with it, since she had previously worked with one of our retail customers and took the letter home each year to read to her family on Christmas Eve. Sometimes, when we would lose a retail chain as a customer, one of their stores would call and ask if they could still get the Christmas letter. One year, I was visiting in the office of a key customer in July. He admitted that the pressure of his job was so great at times that he would read he Christmas letter (which was on his wall) several times a week just for encouragement! Stories like these over the last thirty plus years have caused us to keep up the practice every Christmas.Through all of these years my wife, Davidene, has been my editor and cowriter. In another book, Holiday Letters, we have presented a few sample letters for many of the major holidays so that you can be encouraged during each of the holiday seasons. We have presented these as examples of how untrained writers like me can communicate values and spiritual truths to their co-workers, workplace associates, friends, and family in a “non-religious” way. I hope that you will enjoy reading these as such as I have enjoyed writing them over the years. May they inspire you to share verbally, by your actions, and in writing to those who are in your life....more

Product Details

  • Author: Kent Humphreys
  • Publisher: Lifestyle Impact Publishing
  • Publish Date: 2010-01-01
  • ISBN-10: 984357556
  • ISBN-13: 9780984357550
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