Curious Christian
What the Bible has to say about Jesus' Power of Words

What the Bible has to say about Jesus' Power of Words

In his lesson “The Power of Words” Dr. George Guthrie focuses on the significance of words in Jesus' ministry, as showcased in the story of calming the storm in Mark chapter four. Dr. Guthrie sheds light on the immense power and authority of Jesus' words, not just as teachings but as life-altering commands. This narrative illustrates how Jesus, even in a tempest, conveyed peace and control through His command. His disciples, experienced fishermen, were astounded by the sudden calm, prompting them to question Jesus' true identity.

This instance is a perfect example of how words, especially those spoken by Jesus, can have a profound impact. Dr. Guthrie will further explore the role of words in the Bible, delving into different types of biblical literature and their significance. To gain deeper insights into these powerful teachings, visit BiblicalTraining.org and watch Dr. George Guthrie's full class at https://www.biblicaltraining.org/learn/foundations/th102-reading-the-bible-better/th102-02-the-power-of-words.

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Reading The Bible Better

George Guthrie
11 Lessons
George Guthrie