Biblical Foundations Diploma
Learn with a teacher and cohort members
Have you wanted a firm foundation in what the Bible teaches, but you wanted some help if you have questions or need encouragement? Then our Biblical Foundations Diploma is for you!
For the first time, we are offering cohorts with a teacher.
Our cohort teacher, Ed Taylor, brings a wealth of experience. As a former high school teacher and the Director of for the past 17 years, Ed is passionate about helping you on this journey. He’ll be there to answer your questions and support you every step of the way. You won’t be alone.
You will also be part of a cohort, a group of like-minded people who want to learn together.
Over nine months, 2 hours a week with breaks, you will learn the basic of spiritual growth, overviews of the Old and Νew Testaments, how to study the Bible, and what we believe as Christians.
And you will do this together. We encourage you to invite others from your church, work, or your neighborhood, and commit to learning together. If this is not possible, we will place you with like-minded people from around the world. You will attend the classes on a schedule and meet virtually every week to process and apply what you have been learning. Sounds great, doesn’t it.
Here is the process:
- Find people to study with or ask to join one of our existing cohorts.
- Read through the schedule and confirm that it works for your schedule.
- Sign up at BiblicalTraining and pay $495. We will send you the printed Student Guides.
- Create space in your life to attend the lessons and then get ready to talk about what you have learned.
- When you finished the 6 classes and the quizzes for each lesson, you will be awarded a beautifully-printed diploma, celebrating your achievement.
You can choose to attend either or both cohort meetings on Tuesday at 6 pm Pacific Time or Saturday at 11 am Pacific time using a video call on Zoom. We will start September 10, 2024.
Before the cohort meets:
- Listen to the lectures and complete the questions in the student guides
- Write down the main ideas that are taught in the lesson
- Reflect on what this teaches you about God, yourself, and others and write it down.
- Identify at least one specific way that you will apply what you have learned in the way you live this week and write it down.
- Be ready to share how you followed through on your application from last week
During the call:
- Focus on the subjects that are taught in the current week’s lessons.
- Plan your comments to be about 2 minutes long or less.
- If you refer to a comment that someone else has made, do it in a positive way.
- You may ask questions by raising your hand or typing them in the chat field.
To learn more, visit You can download the schedule here and the weekly dates. You can also contact Ed at
P.S. If you live in the US, we will mail you the Student Guides for each course, a real savings. If you live outside the US, you can download a PDF version for free.