TAHAN, TAHANITE (tā'hăn-īt, Heb. tahan)
A son of Ephraim, and a founder of a tribal family (Num.26.35).A descendant of the same family in the fourth generation (1Chr.7.25).
TAHAN tā’ hăn (תַּ֥חַן). 1. A son of Ephraim, and founder of the family of Tahanites (Num 26:35).
2. An Ephraimite; son of Telah and father of Ladan (1 Chron 7:25).
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)
ta’-han, ta’-han-its (tachan, tachani): The name of two Ephraimites who lived toward the end of the exodus of the Israelites (circa 1415 BC).
(1) The head of one of the families of the tribe of Ephraim (Nu 26:35).
(2) The son of Telah and father of Ladan, also of the tribe of Ephraim (1Ch 7:25 f).