JERUBBESHETH jĭ rub’ ə shĕth (יְרֻבֶּ֗שֶׁת, let shame contend or show increase). The change of the name Jerubbaal by substituting the word “shame” for “Baal” (2 Sam 11:21). This was done when Israelites became reluctant to pronounce the word “Baal.” Other changes of this kind in the OT are “Ishbosheth” for “Ishbaal,” and “Mephibosheth” for “Meribaal.”
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)
jer-ub-be’-sheth, je-rub’-e-sheth (yerubbesheth, see Jerubbaal, for meaning): It is found once (2Sa 11:21) for JERUBBAAL.
See Jerubbaal.