HAGRITE(S) hăg’ rīt (הַגְרִ֑י, descendant of Hagar [?]). An Arab or Aramean tribe living in the region E of Gilead. In the time of King Saul, the Israelites twice inflicted a crushing defeat upon them in war and seized their lands (1 Chron 5:10, 19-22, KJV HAGARITES). David appointed Jaziz the Hagrite to look after his flocks (1 Chron 27:30, 31, KJV HAGERITE). Psalm 83:6 makes mention of them, along with Moab, Edom, and the Ishmaelites, all of whom were enemies of Israel living in the Trans-Jordan (KJV, ASV HAGARENES). The ethnological relationship of the Hagrites with Hagar (Gen 16) is uncertain. The Hagrites and other Arab tribes are mentioned in an inscr. of Tiglath-pileser III (745-727 b.c.).