
Prayer of the Saints

Explore the profound impact of Psalms, prayer, and spiritual giants on faith, connecting ancient texts to modern life.
Number of lessons: 13
Total length: 10 hours and 50 minutes
Format: Video and Audio
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About This Class

This class offers a captivating journey through the rich tapestry of prayer and spirituality in the history of Christianity. Each lesson unveils a different facet of this intricate mosaic, from the profound influence of the Psalms on saints and scholars to the transformative power of prayer in the lives of figures like Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross. You'll explore the evolution of prayer, from the Lord's Prayer's humble origins to its profound impact on early Christian communities. Dive into the minds of theologians like Augustine, Benedict, and Anselm, and discover how their teachings continue to inspire spiritual seekers today.


About the Professor

James Houston

James Houston, pivotal in Regent College's inception, served as its Principal and later as Chancellor and the Board of Governors’ Professor of Spiritual Theology. Originally an Oxford University Lecturer, he facilitated Regent's affiliation with the University of British Columbia in 1974. Houston also co-founded the C.S. Lewis Institute in Washington, DC. A notable author, Houston's contributions to Christian academia and literature are profound.

James Houston


  • You'll gain comprehensive insights into the critical role of the Psalms as the prayer book of the Church and Israel, learn about its significant influence on saints and scholars throughout Christian history, understand its function as a tool for transformation and reform, and discover its multi-cultural origins and transcendence of language barriers in worship.
  • This lesson provides you with a deep understanding of the role, context, and significance of prayer in the Psalms, analyzing its various elements, examples, and applications.
  • Gain insights into Jesus' prayer life and the significance of the Lord's Prayer. Discover its evolution in early Christianity and its secret practice. Explore the Trinitarian nature of prayer and the cultural context of Jewish prayer. Understand the interconnectedness of love for God and love for others.
  • In studying Augustine's reflections on the Psalms, gain insights into his passion for the Church, the influence of the Psalms on his prayer life, and his emphasis on desire, faith, reason, grace, and the pursuit of true happiness in God. Love is seen as encompassing virtues and vices.
  • Gain insight into Benedictine spirituality through the lives of Benedict and Anselm. Benedict emphasized balance and prayer, while Anselm personalized prayer and sought union with God. Discover moderation, perseverance, and reverence for a prayerful and balanced life in a secular world.
  • Gain insight into the 12th-century Cistercian reform led by Bernard of Clairvaux. They revived the Benedictine movement, emphasizing prayer, humility, and an enlarged heart. The lesson explores historical context, the Song of Songs revival, and Bernard's non-linear engagement with the Bible.
  • Dr. Houston provides insight into the prayer life of Teresa of Avila, a remarkable woman and reformer of the Carmelite Order in 16th century Spain, is provided, covering her struggles with prayer, transformative vision of Christ, role as a spiritual director, written works like "The Way of Perfection" and "The Interior Castle," stages of prayer, and the significance of personal encounter with God.
  • From this lesson, you will gain knowledge and insight into the teachings of Teresa and John of the Cross. Teresa's teachings emphasize the importance of honesty, consistent desire for God, and living by faith even in toxic cultural environments. John of the Cross's teachings focus on the dark night of the soul, a process of negation, disorientation, and trust in God. Through their teachings, you will learn about the transformative power of experiencing the darkness and the deeper understanding it brings to the light.
  • By studying the lesson, you will gain deep insights into the Apostle Paul's life and ministry of prayer, including his radical teachings, personal prayers, intercession for others, and the transformative power of prayer in his ministry and teachings.
  • Gain insight from Kierkegaard and Barth's prayer life. Kierkegaard emphasized integrating prayer into daily life, living by faith in challenging cultures. Despite reservations, Kierkegaard's significance remains for confronting corruption and promoting authentic faith. Deepen intimacy with God in prayer.
  • By studying Barth's teachings, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the significance of prayer in the Christian life and its connection to theology.
  • Gain insight into C.S. Lewis and Hans von Balthasar's prayer lives. Lewis finds inspiration despite challenges, while von Balthasar's complex journey is influenced by theology and encounters. Understand the transformative power of prayer in their writings and experiences.
  • This lesson introduces the rich prayer lives and teachings of Martin Luther and John Calvin, emphasizing their transformational roles during the Reformation, their deep theological insights, and the practical application of their faith in their everyday lives.
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