Essentials of World Missions
About This Class
This course begins with a biblical foundation, exploring key passages from both the Old and New Testaments related to the mission of the church. It then addresses theological and cultural challenges in proclaiming the gospel and establishing culturally relevant churches. The final portion introduces 21st-century mission strategies, including global partnerships and church planting. Emphasis is on practical, cross-cultural ministry and fulfilling the Great Commission.
About the Professor
Timothy Tennent
Dr. Timothy C. Tennent is the President of Asbury Theological Seminary and a Professor of World Christianity. With extensive experience in academia, he previously taught at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Toccoa Falls College. An adjunct professor in India and an ordained United Methodist pastor, Dr. Tennent's global engagements include China, Thailand, Nigeria, and Eastern Europe. He has authored several books on Christianity, theological education, and missiology, further solidifying his expertise in the field.
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Dr. Tennent begins this summary course on World Missions with a definition of the terms “mission” and “missions,” and gives us an understanding of the mission of God, that missions begins with God and his missionary heart.
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We now walk through the Great Commission in each of the Four Gospels, highlighting their unifying themes and the distinct message that each Gospel writer highlights.
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Dr. Tennent address several objections that people have to the uniqueness of Christ and the exclusive nature of the Gospel message. He also defines for us what actually qualifies as "missions."
0% Complete In this second part of the course, Dr. Tennent explores the history of the church’s expansion into the world. He focuses primarily on the modern period and looks at what makes the modern missionary period unfold in the way that it does.
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We begin the practical section of the course with a look at the full circle of missions strategy, which is based in several passages of Scripture. Dr. Tennent uses Acts 11 as an example of this four-step process.
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At this point in the lessons Dr. Tennent turns to examining some modern missiological techniques, the kinds of things that churches are using and understanding to be better equipped to serve missionaries. He also lists five different categories of missionaries.
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In this lesson, Dr. Tennent recommends six tasks that every local church should consider in order to be more effective in their overseas missions work.
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Dr. Tennent explores several trends, both positive and negative, in modern-day missions, along with a quick look at the importance of understanding world religions.
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Dr. Tennent dispels the top ten myths about missions, so that we can be better equipped to think appropriately about the great missionary cause.
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Class Resources
Recommended Books
Essentials of World Missions - Student Guide
The purpose of this course is to provide a broad introduction to the worldwide mission of the church of Jesus Christ. Beginning with a Biblical foundation, the course...
What's Next?
World Mission of the Church
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