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On Kingdom Business: Transforming Missions Through Entrepreneurial Strategies

On Kingdom Business: Transforming Missions Through Entrepreneurial Strategies

More than one quarter of the world’s people have little or no opportunity to hear the gospel. While few of the unreached care to investigate the claims of Christ, they are concerned about their own economic advancement. This is an opportunity for the gospel. On Kingdom Business proposes a new model for using business in missions: kingdom entrepreneurship. Kingdom entreprenMore than one quarter of the world’s people have little or no opportunity to hear the gospel. While few of the unreached care to investigate the claims of Christ, they are concerned about their own economic advancement. This is an opportunity for the gospel. On Kingdom Business proposes a new model for using business in missions: kingdom entrepreneurship. Kingdom entrepreneurs are “job-makers,” starting for-profit businesses of all sizes—real businesses that meet real needs. On Kingdom Business provides a conceptual foundation for kingdom entrepreneurship and explores its contemporary development using case studies of kingdom businesses and reflecting on the lessons kingdom entrepreneurs have already learned. “Probably nowhere can you find the range of actual examples and keen insights offered by the spectrum of contributors to this landmark book. We are deeply indebted to both the contributors and the editors for so stout and comprehensive a set of documents, on so crucial and yet baffling a challenge.” — Ralph D. Winter, President, William Carey International University “Forthright, practical, and compelling! On Kingdom Business addresses the tough questions surrounding profit making in the name of Christ, and convincingly validates the fact that authentic ministry can indeed take place within the context of authentic business.” — Christian Overman, Executive Director, Worldview Matters, Inc. “Kingdom entrepreneurship has come of age as global Christian businessmen and women unite to extol the virtues of investing in God's kingdom. On Kingdom Business is definitely recommended reading for discerning Christians committed to Great Commission ministry.” — John Vong, Research Director, Geneva Global, Inc. “Businessmen and women are fulfilling the Great Commission by more than giving money. On Kingdom Business tells their stories and reveals the methodologies that work in today's world.” — John H. Warton, Jr., International Director, Business Professional Network “Business is not a necessary evil or a cover for the ‘real work’ of missions but a way to create investments, jobs, economic vitality, and a hearing for a credible gospel. It is hard work, but these pages are filled with the examples and learnings of extraordinary men and women—evangelistic entrepreneurs.” — Fred Smith, President, The Gathering “Today's mission context demands the mobilization of tens of thousands of businessmen and women committed to spreading the gospel through genuine business. On Kingdom Business reveals several best practice models and discusses key issues related to kingdom entrepreneurship.” — Chuck Madinger, Missions Pastor, Southland Christian Church, Lexington, Kentucky...more

Product Details

  • Author:
  • Publisher: Crossway Books
  • Publish Date: 2003-01-01
  • ISBN-10: 158134502X
  • ISBN-13: 9781581345025
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