A Guide to Devotional Reading

A Guide to Devotional Reading

In this short writing, which originally published in the Classics of Faith and Devotion series, James Houston delineates how devotional reading and resources have impacted Christians in history and suggests 9 insightful and practical ways to read devotionally for all Christians.

"Devotional reading helps us, then, to have an eternal consciousness, not a herd consciousness; it is the primary consciousness of man before his Maker, and of me before my Savior. "In eternity," adds Kierkegaard, "there are chambers enough so that each may be placed alone in one . . . a lonely prison, or the blessed chamber of salvation" (Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing, 193). Is then my spiritual reading and its reflection helping me to see myself "in place," in the will and love of God? True individualism is not following the fashion, but following God." - James M. Houston

Product Details

  • Author: James Houston
  • Publisher: Regent College Publishing
  • Publish Date: 2014-08-27