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Ur of the Chaldeans

UR OF THE CHALDEANS. The early home of Abraham, mentioned in Gen.11.28, Gen.11.31; Gen.15.7; and in Neh.9.7. Through extensive archaeological excavations it is now known that this city was located in southern Mesopotamia, about 140 miles (233 km.) SE of the site of old Babylon. The most extensive archaeological work was done by Sir Charles Leonard Woolley between a.d. 1922 and 1934.

Education was well developed at Ur, for a school was found there with its array of clay tablets. Students learned to read, write, and do varied forms of arithmetic. Further studies have revealed that commerce was well developed and that ships came into Ur from the Persian Gulf, bringing diorite and alabaster used in statue making, copper ore, ivory, gold, and hard woods.

Much light has been shed on the worship and religious life of Abraham’s day. Nanna was the moon god worshiped there. The temple, ziggurat, and other buildings used in connection with the worship of this pagan deity have been found. Evidences of worship in the homes of the day are revealed by idols found in private niches in the home walls.

From this city of idolatry God called Abraham and sent him with a promise to the land of Canaan.