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Slavonic Acts of Peter

PETER, SLAVONIC ACTS OF. The Martyrdom from the Acts of Peter is extant in Slavonic among other VSS, and there is also a Disputatio cum Simone Mago connected with these Acts. In addition, there is a text extant only in Slavonic. It tells of Peter’s journey to Rome at the bidding of a child, whom he later purchases from the captain of the ship. A Rom. noble buys the child and takes him to a teacher, whom he soon reduces to silence (cf. the Infancy Gospel of Thomas). When Peter is arrested, the child rebukes Nero and is cuffed on the ear by the counselor Cato, who withers up (Infancy Gospel again). Peter is crucified head downward, and the child who is with him at last reveals Himself as Jesus. The nails fall from Peter’s head, breast, hands and knees, and after praying for his murderers he gives up the ghost. Motifs from other apocrypha are worked into the legend of Peter.


Summary in ANT, 474; literature in NTAp, II, 573f.