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MERIB-BAAL (mĕr'ĭb-bā'ăl, Baal contends). Son of Jonathan, the son of King Saul (1Chr.8.34; 1Chr.9.40). Possibly the same as Mephibosheth.

MERIB-BAAL (see Mephibosheth) mĕr’ ə bāl (מְרִ֥יב בַּ֖עַל, LXX Μεριβααλ, meaning Baal is advocate). A masculine name in the family of King Saul.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)

The spelling varies in a single verse; 1Ch 9:40 contains the name twice: first, in the first form above; second, in the second form. The name is given also in 1Ch 8:34. It is the other name of MEPHIBOSHETH (2) (which see).

In Jer 11:13 and Ho 9:10 the terms "Baal" and "Bosheth" seem to stand in apposition, the latter form being a slightly contemptuous alternative rendered "shame." This is akin to other like changes, such as Esh-baal for Ish-bosheth, Jerub-besheth for Jerub-baal, etc. The change in the first part of the name could occur through a clerical confusion of the Hebrew aspirate pe (p) and resh (r) in Hebrew.