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Beth Jeshimoth

BETH JESHIMOTH (bĕth' jĕsh'ĭ-mŏth, Heb. bêth ha-yeshīmō, place of deserts). A town east of the mouth of the Jordan, next to the last camp of the Israelites (Num.33.49). It was assigned to Reuben (Josh.13.20).

BETH-JESHIMOTH bĕth jĕsh’ ə mŏth (בֵּ֣ית הַיְשִׁמֹ֔ת, LXX Josh 13:20Βαιθασιμωθ; Num 33:49̓Αισιμωθ; house of deserts). One of the cities of Heshbon in the plains of Moab which was assigned to the tribe of Reuben. The last camping site of the Israelites before crossing the Jordan River is defined thus “by the Jordan from Beth-jeshimoth as far as Abel-shittim” (Num 33:49). The ancient city is identified with tell el-Azeimeh near the NE end of the Dead Sea nearer the edge of the valley than Khirbet Sueimeh which preserves the name.


N. Glueck, “Some Ancient Towns in the Plains of Moab” BASOR, XCI (1943), 23-25.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)

(beth ha-yeshimoth; Codex Vaticanus, Haisimoth; Codex Alexandrinus, Asimoth, and other variants (see DB, under the word)): Mentioned as the point in the south from which the camp of Israel stretched to Abel-shittim in the plains of Moab (Nu 33:49). In Jos 12:3 the way to Beth-jeshimoth is described as South of the Arabah, near the Dead Sea. It was in the lot assigned to Reuben (Jos 13:20), At what times and how long it was actually held by Israel we do not know; but it appears in Eze 25:9 as belonging to Moab. It may be identical with Khirbet es-Suweimeh, where there are some ruins and a well, about 3 miles East of the mouth of the Jordan.